JAKARTA - Bung Karno once embraced all freedom fighters in his government. However, recently Bung Karno couldn't stand criticism. He eliminated all his critics. He was then close to the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

Malang cannot be rejected. The September 30th Movement (G30S) in 1965 occurred. This incident made Bung Karno required to reshuffle the Dwikora I Cabinet. This wish was granted. In accordance with Indonesia then got to know the fat Dwikora I and II Cabinets with the names of the 100 minister Cabinet.

Politics knows no eternal narrative. Friends can be opponents. Opponents can also be friends. This condition was also present during the era of President Soekarno's administration. He initially realized the wishes of the freedom fighters by embracing many national figures in his government.

Bung Karno's heart was possessed by power. Bung Hatta glanced at this condition. Hatta then chose to resign from the position of Vice President of Indonesia because he was no longer in line with Bung Karno in 1956.

This condition made Bung Karno even more flexible in leading. Bung Karno named himself president for life. Anyone who interferes with his power will be removed. Even though the figure who threw criticism emerged from his fellow freedom fighters.

Soekarno's great ambition came to the fore. He began to look at many lighthouse projects. He also started a confrontation with Malaysia. The confrontation with Malaysia is considered reasonable because the land of Malaya will become a British doll.

Like it or not, Ganyang Malaysia'sries have appeared everywhere. Malaysia's illegal affairs are not easy. This condition provoked Soekarno to create a fat kabitet. Dwikora I Cabinet, his name. The Cabinet contains 104 ministers and assistants to the president at ministerial level.

Kabinet Dwikora I bertugas dari 27 Agustus 1964 hingga 21 Februari 1966. Bung Karno ingin semua line pemerintahan memiliki kontribusi tinggi untuk mendukung perjuangan Indonesia melawan ganyangan Malaysia. Fatnya kursi menteri pun dianggapnya jalan utama keberhasilan konfrontasi -- supaya lini pemerintahan efektif.

"That our revolution is about to be outspoken, about to be extinguished, wants to be eliminated, at least surrounded, fought by Imperialists who are not happy with us. Therefore, we must defend the revolution in the way announced. For example with Dwikora who is as great as he is.

"Dwi Komando Rakyat, in essence is to increase our resilience. The resilience of this revolution. The second is to provide assistance to the struggles of the people of North Kalimantan (Sabah and Sarawak), to become Merdeka countries is basically Malaysia," said Bung Karno in his goal of forming the Dwikora I Cabinet, quoted by the Ministry of Information magazine entitled Kabinet Dwikora (1964).

The presence of the bubble cabinet did not make the government run well. In fact, it became your food weapon. Indonesia's economy is running on the spot. Malaysia's confrontation plan is a mess. Nuance is ineffective, the fat cabinet begins to be seen when the economic recession begins to be felt.

This condition was then exacerbated by the presence of the G30S PKI incident. Recently, the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was considered the mastermind behind the kidnapping and murder of a number of generals. The issue of the PKI then made the people move to demand that Soekarno take firm action.

Gelora action took to the streets to be sounded. The actions of Tritura (three demands of the people) were launched by students. The three demands: first, lower prices, disperse the PKI, and robbak Kabinet Dwikora. At first, the action was considered mediocre. however, it is getting bigger day by day.

Bung Karno also inevitably followed the people's desire to reshuffle the cabinet, which incidentally many PKI people. Bung Karno also announced the composition of the cabinet on February 12, 1966. A total of 132 names of ministerial candidates and assistants at the ministerial level were announced.

The cabinet is known in a plenary manner as a cabinet of 100 Ministers. The people also considered that the composition of the cabinet did not change much. The people of the PKI are still considered to exist. Bung Karno also considered the wind and continued to make the inauguration on February 24, 1966.

The effort angered the people. The action of intercepting and defusing the minister's car tires was carried out. This condition made a minister use a helicopter to the State Palace. Something that was considered excessive by the Indonesian people.

The people are getting angry. This political condition made the cabinet of 100 ministers only last 32 days (February 24, 1966 to March 27, 1966) alone and disbanded. The 100 ministerial cabinet in fact had many disadvantages, rather than benefits. The people were angry and wanted the cabinet to be changed until it was later taken over by Suharto.

"For example, I am one of those who are safe when entering the Palace. Because there are ministers who take a taxi or walk because the demonstrators run the car. However, among the ministers there are also those who come in a classy and safe way, namely by helicopter!," said Hoegeng Imam Santoso, who became one of the Cabinet Ministers of Dwikora II, written by Abrar Yusra and Ramadhan KH in the book Hoegeng: Police Idaman and Reality (1993).

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