JAKARTA - Boediono is known as a straight public official. The Vice President of the 2009-2014 era never wanted to compromise. He also did not want to take things that were not his right. His purpose in life is not to be rich, let alone corruption.

He likes to work hard to fully appreciate the people's prosperity. This condition was shown when Boediono received the Hajj facility from the state. The government has provided everything. However, Bodiono refused state money. He chose to use the funds from his personal pocket.

Boediono's career as a state official cannot be underestimated. The man who was born in Blitar, February 25, 1943, has existed in the government since the New Order (Orba) era. At that time, Boediono was listed as Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia from 1997-1998.

Boediono's name was not forgotten in the reform era. His services were again used to fill the position of Minister of State and National Development Planning in the 1998-1999 era. His existence as an economist continues to climb.

He received a share as a minister in the era of Megawati Soekarnoputri's government to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). At its peak, Boediono was entrusted with being the Governor of Bank Indonesia. The series of brilliant careers did not make Boediono big head.

His attitude remains grounded. He continues to live straight in simplicity. In fact, his position supports Boediono a luxurious life. The scientific capacity and simplicity then made SBY attracted. SBY then collaborated with him to become a vice presidential candidate in the 2009 presidential election.

The duet shocked the whole of Indonesia. Because, not many know Boediono's capacity and track record. Many do not believe Boediono can boost votes in the 2009 Pilpes. However, SBY has gathered his intentions.

SBY chose Boediono not based on consideration of popularity, but performance. He believes Boediono can help him with many things in the government. This condition can be seen in Boediono's commitment. He chose to purely devote himself to the nation and state.

Criticism of Boediono does remain, including the Century Bank case. However, Boediono did not take any dizziness. He was able to show himself as an official of integrity. He became an official who was straight and did not want to take things that were not his right.

"From the start I wanted to work for the country. The state doesn't mean the government. What I do is different from the others, it's because of different views that are more effective in increasing the prosperity of the people only. From the goal side, there is no difference, everyone wants to increase the prosperity of the people. So, if I'm called pro-asing and anti-economic populist, I don't think it's fair."

"I'm sad to hear that accusation. I didn't aspire to be rich. Since I was in school I didn't want to enter the business world. If I want to work elsewhere (as an entrepreneur), it might exist. But I want to serve the country. It's probably too much in the clouds. But frankly, that's the situation," Boediono said in an interview quoted by Arif Zulkifli and his friends in a report entitled Boediono: I Don't Want to Be Rich (2009).

Laku live a simple and straight life was also shown by Boediono during the pilgrimage. He considered the pilgrimage to be a personal pilgrimage. He wants to perform the pilgrimage with his family. Each with his wife, Herawati Boediono, a child, Dios Kurniawan, and Arie Hendradjat's son-in-law.

There were also people outside the family in the group, including the Secretary of the Vice President, Moehamad Oemar and Deputy Seswapres in the field of People's Welfare and Poverty Reduction, Bambang Widianto. The vice president's plan also reached the ears of the government.

The government should facilitate the journey of Boediono Hajj and its family which is planned for October 20, 2012. The aircraft belonging to the Indonesian Air Force type Boeing 737-400 is prepared. Problems arise. Boediono does not want his departure to be financed by the state.

Boediono immediately asked his Secretary, Moehamad Oemar, to straighten out his wish. Oemar was given the task of calculating all the funds that Boediono spent from the beginning of departure to return home. In fact, to the cost of parking the plane.

The calculations will later be replaced by Boediono from his personal pocket. The performance of life was shown by him as a form of firm separation which is the agenda for the country and which is for individuals. The performance of life is a big example related to the behavior of the inspiring nation's leaders.

When he took the pilgrimage. He invited mothers, sons and one parent. We use the Indonesian Air Force plane which is certainly provided for the presidential plane. Everything should be borne by state costs. However, he with honesty saw from the start that this pilgrimage was a will and personal worship. "

"My family and I have to pay. Please count it is the plane's fuel that runs out. The parking fee while there. Well, if you share the number of seats, I will pay for the number of seats. There I have to pay and you pay. We receive his personal money. We deposit it into the state treasury. "Secretary of Vice President Boediono, Oemar as revealed in the Mata Nadjwa episode Behind Boediono's Silence, March 19, 2014.

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