JAKARTA Memories of today, 71 years ago, July 26, 1953, the Cuban revolution began. The incident was marked by Fidel Castro building a resistance movement of Movimiento 26 de Julio aka M-26-7. Fidel felt that the government of the President of Cuba, Fulgencio Batista had many disadvantages, rather than benefits.

Previously, the Batista government had brought hope. Development is carried out. Employee welfare is considered. Recently the lives of the Cuban people have become difficult. Corruption everywhere and the government runs like a doll of the United States (US).

General Ruben Fulgencio Batista Zalvidar cannot be eliminated from Cuban history alone. His name was classy because he led the coup in 1933 and succeeded. The incident was known as the Sergeant's Revolution.

The figure is famous for entering the Cuban world of politics. He became the head of the Cuban War Force. A position that many parties find difficult to shake. He was even able to control Cuban President. However, problems arose. He was not satisfied. Batista wants to lead Cuba alone.

Power and the military already have it. This condition made him participate in the election and win. Batista became the President of Cuba in the 1940-1944 era. The Batista government carries a narrative of change. He brought Cuba to be an important ally of the United States (US).

He provides a variety of US needs. The goal is for his government to be supported by Uncle Sam's country. He started to build many things. He also did not forget to increase the lives of the Cuban people by increasing the salaries of government employees to the military.

The bad side of kuba was brought to be repressive. Cuba seems to be a US doll. The peak of corruption appears everywhere. His position as president ended in 1944. Batista's power of attorney was hampered by Cuban constitution rules that the president, who had just finished taking office, could not participate in elections for eight years.

Batista was only able to run for president again in 1952. However, Batista took a shortcut. He, who has military power, staged a coup against President Carlos Prio Socarras' rule a few months before the 1952 election. Batista officially became president again.

Over the following years, Batista led a series of militaries and suspended constitutional and Congressional guarantees, banned strikes, and canceled elections. He consolidated his power by wooing police and soldiers with a larger salary. On April 4, 1952, a few days after the United States recognized its regime, he took the oath of office as President, "wrote in The New York Times newspaper entitled Batista, ExHumanCuban Dictator, Dies in Spain (1973).

Instead of getting support, Batista's coup was hated by many parties. His previous government was considered often to ignore the interests of the people. His leadership this time is suspected of bringing many harm.

The Gelora protested officially by Fidel Castro and other revolutionary fighters. The protests were not heard. Fidel Castro chose the struggle in another way. he wanted to promote a revolution by taking up arms. He gathered progressive youths against Batista's power.

At its peak, Castro founded the Movimiento 26 de Julio resistance movement aka M-26-7 (July 26 Movement) on July 26, 1953. The movement is considered the starting point of the Cuban revolution. Castro tried to make efforts to overthrow Batista.

They then carried out an attack on Cuba's second-largest military base, the west of Moncada on the Santiago de Cuba. The attack failed. However, Castro's courage gave rise to a new force. The July 26 movement began to be supported by many people.

Che Guevara also joined forces and finalized the movement. His progress is getting faster. His troops are growing. At its peak, Batista's power was completely destroyed in 1959. The Cuban Revolution was summarized with Fidel Castro as the leader of the Serutu Country.

The attack failed completely, and many former rebels were arrested and killed. Castro himself survived, and delivered an important speech from the dock: history will free me. The speech outlines his political program."

The speech became the classic text of the July 26 Movement which he later organized. Castro used a failed Moncada attack as a call to unite the anti-Batista opposition into a political force, "said Richard Gott in his writing on The Guardian's website entitled Fidel Castro Obituary (2016).

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