JAKARTA - On March 17, 1969, for the first time Israel had a female prime minister (PM). She is Golda Meir. The fourth prime minister of Israel is known as an ironwoman because of her tough and firm attitude.

Cited from History, Golda Meir was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, May 3, 1898. Golda Meir then moved to the United States (US). There she grew up there.

Golda Meir started her career as a Zionist labor leader. She later held key positions in the Israeli government, including the Minister of Manpower and Minister of Foreign Affairs. After the death of Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in 1969, Golda Meir was appointed Prime Minister of Israel.

During her tenure, Golda Meir's popularity continued to increase due to her diplomatic prowess. Golda Meir observes her country during the Yom Kippur War in October 1973, when Egypt and Syria launched attacks on Israel.

Despite the eventual victory, 2.500 Israelis died. Apart from that, various critics have also blamed the Israeli government for being considered unprepared.

Humiliating and disregarding Palestine

On the other hand, Golda Meir also often uses sentences that are more xenophobic, especially those related to Palestine. "There is no such thing as a Palestinian", she said, quoted by Al Jazeera.

"When will there be independent Palestinians with a Palestinian state? Aren't there Palestinians in Palestine who think of themselves as Palestinian? We came and kicked them out and took their country from them. They do not exist", said Golda Meir about the existence of Palestine which for her does not exist.

For her critics, Golda Meir's quote on Palestine is one of her most burdensome legacies. According to many observers, Golda Meir has been unable to contemplate that the creation of Israel gave Palestinians - who lost their homes after its resurrection - a different narrative of events.

Golda Meir with a number of children (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

"(Golda Meir) intended to ethnically cleanse the indigenous population of Palestine to make room for Jewish immigrants", said Muslim Americans for Palestine, a US-based group dedicated to educating the US public about Palestine and its heritage.

"She had no problem forcing people to move from their homes and expelling them from their countries so that Israel remains".

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations issued a decision to divide the territories of Israel, Palestine, and Jerusalem. This proposal was welcomed by Israel but not by the leadership of the Palestinian state. It was upon this decision that Golda Meir also took part in the establishment of Israel.

On May 14, 1948, Israel proclaimed independence which was followed by wars with Arab countries that rejected the zoning plan. Golda Meir, who was still the Head of the Political Department of the Jewish community, was sent to the US to ask for aid.

The aid funds were then given to Israeli soldiers. Its success in obtaining aid from the US was considered an extraordinary achievement.

Golda Meir wanted peace

Even though Golda Meir was always on the winning side, she also lost many lives. Therefore, Golda Meir herself does not like violence.

In an interview with the New York Times, Golda Meir said her only ambition was to see Israel accepted by its Arab neighbors and living in peace. With determination and determination, she sought it all, even though she failed to achieve that goal.

"We say 'peace' and the return echoes from the other side, 'war'", she lamented. "We don't want war even if we win".

Not without reason, Golda Meir hates violence. While still living in Kyiv, Golda Meir's life was always close to death. At that time there were many incidents of massacres in Kyiv.

Since then Golda Meir doesn't like anything violent. "I always felt too cold on the outside and too empty on the inside", she recalled.

Golda Meir Monument on Baseina Street, Kiev, Ukraine (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

Her food is sometimes given to her younger sibling, Zipke. Meanwhile, their older sibling, Sheyna often fainted from hunger.

Finally, in 1906, Golda Meir's family migrated to the US. Golda Meir's father lived in Milwaukee for three years to save money and prepare for the next life.

Golda Meir's father managed to find a job as a carpenter. Meanwhile, her mother opened a small grocery store.

Starting at the age of eight, Golda Meir had to look after the shop every morning when her mother was at the market to buy supplies. Golda Meir always came late to school every day, crying the whole way from home.

Her peaceful attitude was also strengthened when he met Pope Paul. Golda Meir emphasized Israel's desire for peace and explained Israel's position on the possibility of achieving a peaceful solution to the Middle East conflict through negotiations between the parties involved.

Pope Paul at that time expressed the hope that a just peace would allow all people in the Middle East to live together. The Vatican then concludes the statement and "restates the Holy See's intention to do everything in its power to achieve this end".

*Read other information about the ISRAEL-PALESTINE CONFLICT or read other interesting articles by Putri Ainur Islam.

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