YOGYAKARTA - This time we will discuss the history of Mount Krakatau which is known all over the world. Let's discuss it! On August 27, 1883, the eruption of Mount Krakatau reached its climax. Emerging the biggest explosion, the very loud sound, the most devastating volcanic event in the record of modern human history.

The eruption of Mount Krakatau is considered the 5th largest in the geological history of the planet. Indeed, there are still bigger explosions, such as Mount Toba and Tambora in Indonesia, Taupo in New Zealand, and Katmai in Alaska. But it was all an eruption that occurred long ago.

Unlike Krakatau, which erupted at the end of the 19th century. The world has become a completely new place, is the modern era. Many sophisticated humans can see the volcanic outrage.

Starting on Sunday, August 26, 1883, at 12.53 p.m., the first eruption ejected a gas cloud mixed with volcanic material as high as 24 km above Mount Perboewatan. For 20 hours 56 minutes Krakatau went berserk. The sky on the coast of the Sunda Strait and dark Lampung. The CLimax is a mahadasyat explosion that took place on Monday, August 27, 1883 at 10.02 am.

There were four devastating explosions that took place to make people relatively close to Mount Krakatau deaf. However, the commotion was heard as far as Perth, Australia, which is 4,500 km away.

The eruption was still recorded as the sound of a very loud eruption that had been heard on Earth. Anyone who is within a radius of 10 km is certainly deaf. The Guinness Book of Records recorded the sound of the Krakatau explosion as the greatest sound recorded in history.

"As a result, it not only eliminates an island and its people, but rather makes the colonial economy stagnate for centuries," said Simon airing, author of Krakata: The Day the World Exploded, August 27, 1883.

Scientists report the devastating eruption of Mount Krakatau, even its strength is equivalent to 100 megatons of nuclear bombs, or the equivalent of 13,000 times the atomic bomb power that destroys Hiroshima andhimor.

When erupting on 26 and 27 August 1883, Krakatau had issued millions of tons of rock, dust, and magma. The material covers an area of 827,000 kilometers. After that on the second day, the eruption of Krakatau was accompanied by a large wave of tsunamis carrying volcanic material in the form of magma and hot rock hit the coast of Lampung and Banten.

The height of the tsunami due to the eruption of Krakatau at that time reached more than 36 m. The death toll from the eruption of Mount Krakatau was 36.417 people. As many as 90 percent of them died from the impact of the tsunami.

Not only magma, but the volcanic eruption also produced ash which at that time reached 17 cubic km. The ash is spread almost throughout the world. So much, the sun was not visible for 3 days around the mountain zone.

Called Little Tomb

The tsunami struck unmitigatedly, the houses of the natives' houses, or the red roof buildings belonging to the European people in Anyer were destroyed. Other coastal areas in Java and Sumatra also suffered the same fate.

Reporting from several sources, a Beyerinck servant who came before dawn on the hill described the tsunami waves arriving back at 02.00. Destroyed the residential complex and drowned the City Weighted. That night so gripping, the people on the hill filled with despair partially prayed to God.

"Outside of the hut, thousands of people cried and worried. Some were calm in praying for their release from a nightmare," Simon wrote.

Several sailors from England and the Netherlands made an analogy as the apocalypse. Because, not only the Banten area and several areas in Sumatra are pitch black, but also to Batavia (Jakarta).

In addition, you can read more fully: 'The Impact of the Apocalyps of the Eruption of Mount Krakatau 1883'.

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