JAKARTA - Sheila on 7 is able to give a new color in the Indonesian music world. The pop band group was able to prove that the Indonesian music scene was not only dominated by band groups from Jakarta-Bandung. The band fronted by Duta, Adam, Eross, Sakti, and Anton proved that the band from Yogyakarta was able to succeed.

Their music can be accepted by all music fans throughout the country. However, Sheila on 7 did not forget land. They also want to get the blessing of Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. So that it continues to exist in the music world," he said.

The bet of a regional band is famous in its own home/region. Popularity usually paves the way for wider popularity. That's what Duta, Adam, Sakti, Eross, and Anton do.

The young man from Yogyakarta agreed to form a band called Sheilagank which changed his name to Sheila on 7 on May 6, 1996. The band from Yogyakarta initially carried many songs by musicians such as Bon Jovi, Oasis, and U2.

Later they began to realize to create their own songs. That phase made them extort creativity. The song titled Kitater was created. The demo of the song began to be circulated to local radios. The result was brilliant. Sheila on 7's song received a lot of positive responses from the residents of Yogyakarta.

They also get gig calls from everywhere. The birthday stage was also played. In terms of paid for a gig, they don't bother. Boxed rice is finished. Sheila on 7 also continues to appear in music festivals. Gradually they became new idols of the people of Yogyakarta.

Ulam's beloved Pucuk arrived. Sheila's songs on 7 catch the attention of the big label. Sony Music Indonesia wants to sign them. Sheila on 7 was also asked to deliver her demo cassettes to Jakarta. The material for the song at that time was Kita, Tertatih, JAP, For Awhile, First Love, and Sandra.

Sony Music Indonesia admits that they like it. Director of A&R Sony Music Indonesia, Jan Djuhana asked them to come to record songs and sign contracts. Sheila's on 7 attempt also paid off through the presence of an album with their own band name Sheila on 7(1999).

The song Dan, Kita, to the Most Beautiful Anugerah I Have Ever Had anchors everywhere. The album received a positive response. Sheila on 7 is proof that a successful band does not always have to be from Jakarta or Bandung.

In fact, at the beginning of their debut, they used to sing at birthday events with a box of rice per person paid. The unique entanglement of young people that made them a phenomenal music group. Armed with a song demonstration, in 1999, Eross and Adam came to Jakarta. At that time, they barely understood the slightest bit of the intricacies of Jakarta.

After being targeted several times, they met Sony's office. Jan Djuhana, who heard the demonstration, was immediately captivated and asked Sheila to complete the song for the material of the first album. When good luck is in favor, as people say, the rest is history. According to Jan, Sheila's willingness, both in music and in everyday life, is the key to success. Sheila's market share is also very wide: 5 to 50 years old, "wrote Yusi A. Pareanom and his friends in Tempo magazine entitled From Yogya Offering Love (2001).

Sheila's success on 7 made them famous all over the country. The first album was able to talk a lot and began to be loved by many people. Local radios throughout Indonesia are constantly playing their songs.

However, Sheila on 7 did not want to be happy. Instead of choosing a total career in Jakarta, Sheila on 7 chose to settle in Yogyakarta. They did not forget the city that raised it. Another form of gratitude is trying to ask for the blessing of the ruler of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X.

The meeting took place after the release of his second album, Classical Story for the Future (2000). Hamengkubuwono X welcomed it. He was also grateful that Yogyakarta's young people had a high passion for music.

The meeting took place in 2001. The Sultan received Sheila on 7 well. Shella also gave the Sultan the first album and both of them. Sultan also asked Sheila on 7 personnel to be totally in music. They were even asked to be loyal to be on the line of music and inspire the people of Yogyakarta.

Assisted by Mas Sapto Rahardjo, a Yogyakarta musician who is active in holding a gamelan festival in his city, Sheila on 7 was met with Sri Sultan. I feel honored to join his sowan. Sheila on 7 personnel ask for Sri Sultan's blessing for their next steps in the music world.

"During the meeting, Sri Sultan advised Sheila on 7 to be totally in music and have a strong commitment, and be loyal to their life choices on the music line," said Jan D okayana, written by Frans Sartono in the book Behind Bintang (2022).

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