Putri Beatrix Officially Becomes Queen Of The Netherlands In History Today, April 30, 1980
Ratu Beatrix in her meritorious ceremony on April 30, 1980. (Wikimedia Commons)

JAKARTA History today, 44 years ago, April 30, 1980, Putri Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard was officially named Queen of the Netherlands. The treatment was greeted with pros and cons. Those who counter criticized Ratu Beatrix' contamination were too luxurious, aka eating large funds.

Previously, Queen Juliana led the Dutch with joy. He is considered a figure who is close to the people. Problems arise. He is no longer young. His health is getting worse. This condition made him choose to take the throne down.

Queen Juliana's leadership often invites praise. Instead of being crowned, it brings an important meaning to the Dutch people, in fact its presence also brings fresh air to Indonesia. The Dutch power wants to recognize Indonesia's sovereignty through the Round Table Conference (KMB) under the control of the Queen.

He also participated in the agreement to sign the transfer of sovereignty agreement which was carried out in two places. The signing at the Dam Palace was represented by the Indonesian side, Bung Hatta. Meanwhile, the colonial representative was represented by Queen Juliana. Rijswijk Palace (now: the State palace) represented by the Indonesian side, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and the Dutch, AHJ Lovink.

The signing at the Dam Palace turned out to be the first political document signed by Juliana. He then began to finalize the agenda so that the Dutch people lived a prosperous life. He did not want to be away from the people.

Juliana also often greets the Dutch people anywhere, on roads or shopping centers. Juliana was often the first person to put up a body when the Dutch had problems. He even chose to go directly when the Dutch were hit by flash floods in 1953.

However, old age is a new problem for Juliana. Her body, who is no longer young, is starting to get sick. He was recorded as suffering from dementia. This condition made Juliana feel incompetent anymore as a leader of the Dutch people.

He also chose to resign as Queen of the Dutch. He tried to appoint his son, Putri Beatrix as the successor.

''Everyone who gets older, sooner or later has to face the fact that a person's power is getting fading,'' Juliana said in his farewell message as quoted by Marcise Simons in his writing in The New York Times newspaper entitled April Juliana, Former Dutch Monarch, Is Dead at 94(2004).

The vacancy of the Dutch throne will soon be filled. The successor to Juliana, Putri Beatrix, is echoed to take the throne. The day to look forward to has come. Putri Beatrix was crowned Queen of the Netherlands with the title Wilhelmina II at Nieuwe Kerk (New Church) in Amsterdam on April 30, 1980.

The medicine gave rise to pros and cons. Those who support hope Ratu Beatrix can lead the Dutch as well as her mother. Those who are against it think that Ratu Beatrix only has brought problems.

The treatment took a very large amount of money. As a result, the city of Amsterdam's day of highway was full of homeless people and young people protesting. Protesters feel the Dutch government is unfair. The visit to the queen's family is considered large rather than for the program to build homeless houses.

Amsterdam's city center is a mess. Traffic crowds were scattered in the middle of the road, house windows were broken and shops were robbed. On Labor Day May 1, a large number of homeless people were supported by a number of young people tearing up the city. It happened a day after Beatrix'appropriation as Queen of the Netherlands, replacing Juliaga's mother.

"On the day of cremation, the riot occurred. The homeless people protested: why the allowance for the Queen's family was not commensurate with the budget for the procurement of houses for the homeless. As is known, Amsterdam has a population of 750 thousand, 54 thousand of whom are homeless. It seems that the security forces have predicted the riots. It is said that 8 thousand police were deployed to secure the ceremony to postpone the establishment of Juliana and the pulsation of Beatrix, "wrote in a Tempo magazine report entitled Putri Beatrix's Treatment (1980).

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