JAKARTA History today, 50 years ago, April 10, 1974, Golda Mabovitch or Golda Meir resigned from her position as Prime Minister (PM) of Israel. The resignation was carried out due to a series of political pressures to the issue of Golda's declining health.

Previously, Golda was known as a powerful woman by the Israeli people. She is known as a freedom fighter and the establishment of Israel on Palestinian soil. Her great service made a political career skyrocket. She even became Israel's first female PM.

In the past, life as a Jew and a poor was often considered a recipe for misery. Golda has felt it. The woman who was born in Kiev, Ukraine, May 3, 1898 witnessed for herself how to live under the power of the Russian Tsar in Kiev was unpleasant.

The image of Jews as the killer of Christ is behind it. Golda's days are often filled with fear. However, everything changed when Golda moved to the United States (US) in 1906. Her life began to lift.

He began to get quality education and excels. The narrative made him a teacher. Instead of just spending time teaching, Golda actually actively participated in the Labor Zionist Youth movement. The movement made him learn a lot about the importance of the nation having the territory.

He began migrating to Palestine in 1918. He began to be active in the world of politics. A series of conferences related to the independence gap of his people were also followed. Take for example a conference in Evian-les Bains in 1938. Since then he has fought for independence and the establishment of Israel.

Ulam's beloved pinnacle has arrived. The United Nations announced plans to give the Palestinians half to the Jews in 1947. The verdict was like an early victory for Golda and the entire Jewish nation. The problem arose that Arab countries did not accept the decision.

The threat of war is coming. However, Israeli leader Ben Gurion did not lose his mind. Golda then sent him to the US. Golda got a special mission to raise funds and succeed.

The situation was so urgent, until Golda left without bringing her clothes. But he managed to come back with more than just a message: this woman, who was not well known at that time, was able to raise 50 million US dollars from American Jews. And weapons were bought, especially from Eastern Europe because the US itself held an embargo on arms sales to the Middle East.

"That money, and Golda's services, as Ben Gurion acknowledged, also allowed the establishment of the state of Israel, May 14, 1948. Until now, Israel as an element that has not been accepted in the body of the Middle East, depends correctly on the success of Golda's way in 1948. But of course not only that. His determination to live continuously -- for 30 years who do not know peace seems to be also supported by his reluctance to play easily, wrote a Tempo Magazine report entitled Si Strong Grandmother No More (1978).

Golda's career as a politician has skyrocketed. He has served as Minister of Israel many times, from the Minister of Manpower to the Minister of Home Affairs. Another achievement that stood out the most was that he served as the number one person in the Israeli Labor Party.

Golda was also elected as the new Israeli Prime Minister in 1969. Golda's election was predictable by the whole of Israel. All because of Golda's great capacity as a leader. Even though she is a woman.

He was able to lead Israel with high guts. He dared to try to open relations with several Arab countries offering peace in the territory captured from Palestine. His leadership began to be disrupted as the Yom Kippur War broke out in 1973.

The war made Israel lose money. Even political support for Golda slowly began to disappear. He also tried to make a bold decision. He chose to resign from the post of Prime Minister on April 10, 1974. An unfortunate effort by many.

The decision was also made because of his deteriorating health condition. The self-decree was accepted. He then officially left his post on June 7, 1974.

The 75-year-old Prime Minister said he was resigning due to deep divisions within the Labor Party he leads. This condition makes it no longer possible to serve as Prime Minister.

The party has come to a stalemate in recent days. Moreover, regarding the issue of giving political responsibility for Israel's military shortage at the beginning of the October war, "explained Terence Smith in his writing in The New York Times newspaper entitledGolda Meir Quits and Brings Down Cabinet In Israel (1974).

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