JAKARTA Memories of today, five years ago, April 9, 2019, the 2019 Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) placed Indonesia as the world's best halal tourist destination. Indonesia ranks first out of 130 countries from around the world.
Previously, Indonesia's efforts to develop halal tourism were not easy. There are many obstacles from here and there. Take, for example, people's perceptions regarding halal certification. All people believe that Indonesia is the largest Muslim-majority country that doesn't need it.
Efforts to advance halal tourism in Indonesia are full of challenges. The Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar) must really rack its brains. The narrative is because efforts to advance halal tourism often get barriers.
Many of the general public feel that living in Indonesia does not need a halal label. This view is further emphasized by Indonesia's perception of one of the largest Muslim countries. Everything was then framed with the reluctance of business actors to carry out halal certification.
The Minister of Tourism (Menpar), Arief Yahya considers it a problem of developing halal tourism. Arief considers the Ministry of Tourism and tourism industry players to work together. Industry players must have standards recognized by the world of international tourism.
Arief also began to prepare a scheme so that Indonesia's halal tourism has good standards. The owner of power began to work hard to disseminate information related to the superiority and advantages of halal tourism. This step was also strengthened by a series of promotions and infiltration to build halal tourism destinations.
The Ministry of Tourism does not want Indonesia, which in fact is the largest Muslim country, not to get cakes from halal tourism. If necessary, neighboring countries in the future can learn about halal tourism in Indonesia. This is possible. Even though the government needs a lot of time to develop.
"That's why certification is absolute. Even though halal, sharia, and halal lifestyles in Indonesia are the world's top. The team has invited the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) of Islamic Cooperation Organizations (OKI) to be able to help them halal hospitality is like what. Even from Malaysia we visited, what is halal hospitality," said the Head of the Team for the Acceleration of Halal Tourism Development at the Ministry of Tourism, Riyanto Sofyan as quoted by Kompas.com page, August 6, 2018.
Ulam's beloved pupuk arrived. Indonesia's efforts to narrate Indonesia's international standard halal tourism bring results. The 2019 Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) has set Indonesia as the country with the best tourist destinations in the world on April 9, 2019. The roofing was carried out at the Pullman Hotel, Jakarta.
The determination was made because Indonesia was considered the most progressive in the development of halal tourism. This condition was greeted with a commotion by the government and the people of Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia is able to excel over Malaysia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.
"Finally, the targets we dream of as the best halal tourist destinations in the world are achieved. This proves that achieving victory must be planned," said Arief Yahya as quoted by CNBC, April 9, 2019.
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