JAKARTA - Today, 18 years ago, September 23, 2004, Megawati Soekarnoputri suggested that Nur Hassan Wirajuda survive as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia. The suggestion was conveyed by Megawati via telephone when Hassan was in New York, United States.

Hassan's foreign political program must be continued, he thought. Even though Megawati Soekarnoputri is already a businessman. In fact, Megawati's intimidation is correct. President-elect Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) is also attracted by Hassan's performance. Hassan was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Indonesia Cabinet (2004-2009).

Free foreign politics are often a concern for Megawati Soekarnoputri when she becomes Indonesia's number one person. Even though she doesn't like her father, Megawati's efforts are quite optimal. She tries to establish relationships with many heads of state from all over the world. Mainly the United States.

Both countries were known close to that time. In fact, United States President George Walker Bush invited Megawati to his country. In fact, all the US people are grieving as a result of the September 11 terrorism attack (911 attack).

Megawati Soekarnoputri also visited America. He met Bush on September 19, 2001. Megawati's arrival was a form of warmth between the two countries. Megawati did not forget to express her condolences to the entire Indonesian nation for the tragedy

Bush is also happy to play a role in Megawati Soekarnoputri's arrival. As the host, he wants to give an implied message to the world that what he is fighting is terrorism. Not Islam. America and Indonesia's meeting which incidentally became one of the largest Islamic countries as evidence. The two countries also agreed to cooperate to fight terrorism.

Megawati is the president of the country with the largest Islamic population in the world. Therefore, for George W. Bush, Megawati's acceptance at the White House will definitely be very useful to convince the world that, by proclaimed the war on terrorism in all its forms, America is not hostile to Islamic countries.

Sael W. Bush dapat menggunakan pertemuannya dengan Megawati untuk bermpangsi bahwa masyarakat Islam, baik yang berada di Timur Tengah, Asia, maupun di Amerika sendiri, tidak perlu khawatir dengan ketetuan negara adidaya yang dipimpinnya untuk mengejar serta menghancurkan para teroris hingga sejauh dunia mana, ungkap Rizal Mallarangeng dalam buku Dari Langit(2008).

Megawati Soekarnoputri's visit abroad was even more massive in the years afterward. Megawati, together with Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda from the Gotong Royong Cabinet, visited Asia to Europe. Everything is in order to build and maintain cooperative relations.

Megawati Soekarnoputri also felt Hassan's good performance in perpetuating foreign politics. This good performance lasted until Megawati no longer served as Indonesia's number one person. However, he still left a message while suggesting Hassan to stay as Minister of Foreign Affairs in the SBY government.

He also called Hassan who was participating in the UN session in the US on September 23, 2001. Megawati Soekarnoputri's advice was followed. Moreover, SBY was attracted by his performance. Hassan also became part of the United Indonesia Cabinet under SBY era.

Then Mrs. Mega conveyed her consideration, namely that there would be free and active foreign political sustainability. Mrs. Mega's intuition did not stand alone. At the end of the dinner at the Sechuan Palace restaurant, it was shared fortunate cookies, and what I received contained a message: All your hardworks will soon pay off.

The surprise that was present called: You will be Foreign Minister again! I just smile at the fact that the cookies are like strengthening what I just heard from Mrs. Mega," said Hassan Wirayuda in the book The Brave Lady (2009).

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