JAKARTA - President Soekarno has a flagship presidential plane. Dolok Marimbang is his name. The Ilyushin Il-14 aircraft was a gift from the Government of the Soviet Union. All thanks to the warm relationship between Sukarno and the leader of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev.

Dolok Marimbang has also become the mainstay of his working visits throughout the archipelago. However, not to travel abroad. Bung Karno was fond of chartering planes. For the safety and comfort of a state visit, he thought.

The business of establishing close relationships with world leaders, Bung Karno is the master. He was not only good at impressing world leaders with his chats, but Bung Karno was also great at building emotional closeness. In simple language: smart to take heart. Therefore, Bung Karno could get along with anyone. The great leader of the Soviet Union, Nikata Khrushchev, for example.

The relationship between Soekarno and Krushchev became the most intimate political relationship in the history of Indonesian politics. This relationship has existed for a long time, when Khrushchev was still the supreme leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Their relationship is often represented as a symbol of the love between Jakarta and Moscow. Soekarno was amazed by the actions of Khrushchev's leadership. Vice versa.

President Soekarno and Leader of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev during a visit to Indonesia on February 18-1 March 1961. (Life/John Dominis)

The closeness of the relationship has benefited Indonesia a lot. Indonesia received a lot of fresh financial assistance. In fact, the Soviet Union government even gave Indonesia a fantastic gift: an airplane. The Ilyushin Il-14 type aircraft was immediately used by the Indonesian government as a presidential aircraft.

The ceremony for the handover of the twin-engine propeller plane was attended by Bung Karno himself on January 24, 1957. Bung Karno did not forget to name Indonesia's first presidential plane. Dolok Marimbang, his name. The naming was taken from the name of the hill in Tapanuli, North Sumatra.

“After the ambassador of the Soviet Union handed over the plane in a short speech, the President went up to the podium. The President thanked the ambassador for this gift from the Soviet Government. He thanked the Soviet government and its people. The president later recalled the warm welcome during his visit to the Soviet Union and was well received."

“With regard to domestic matters, the President said that there are still many differences between Indonesia's population of 80 million people. But according to the president, this doesn't surprise me, because we are still young. Therefore, I call on the people to restore unity and continue to fight together," wrote the report of the oldest newspaper in Jakarta, Java Bode, on January 24, 1957.

American Aircraft Charter

The presence of the Dolok Marimbang presidential plane was enough to help Bung Karno's mobility to meet the Indonesian people in remote parts of the country. However, not to travel abroad. In fact, for Soekarno, a visit abroad is very important for the existence of Indonesia in the future. support for the progress of Indonesia as a great nation is getting faster.

As a strategy, the Indonesian government chose to rent an aircraft with a large enough capacity. All of that for the convenience of traveling abroad. President Soekarno's visit to 18 countries in 1961, for example. The visit took quite a long time: 2.5 months.

The group who joined Soekarno alone could reach more than 30 people. Not to mention Soekarno brought along hundreds of gift chests containing works of art to friendly countries. Some people view the efforts of Soekarno and his ministers as an act of extravagance.

The Boeing 707 belongs to Pan American Airways, the type of aircraft that President Soekarno often chartered when he visited abroad. (Wikipedia)

Journalist and historian Rosihan Anwar is one of the loudest protestors. A trip abroad by chartering a plane for 2.5 months is deemed not to have a high urgency. Moreover, the condition of the Indonesian people at that time, many living below the poverty line.

“Pan American Airways named the Boeing 707 aircraft that took President Sukarno overseas today. Jet Clipper 'Usdek'. This is called special service. Pan American received 400,000 dollars from the Indonesian government this year for chartered aircraft. Last year the rent was about $300,000. Pure jets are indeed more expensive than pistons.”

“Sukarno's routine overseas visits in 1961 took more than 2 months and would take him to the United States, Latin America, Africa, Europe, including the Soviet Union, perhaps also China, in approximately 18 countries. Indeed, President Sukarno was the most-traveled head of state. Langlang modern world? Or a waste of people's property? The entourage with him this morning was 30 people, including several ministers,” said Rosihan Anwar in Sukarno, the Army, PKI (2006).

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