JAKARTA - Have you ever heard the term cushioning before? Or maybe this term is completely foreign to the ear? Cushioning is indeed quite rarely heard, but this word has an important meaning in a relationship. You have to know the meaning of the word and how to avoid cushioning so you don't get caught up in heartache.

Cushioning adapts HerWorld, Wednesday, October 27, is a situation that makes you only used as an escape or a backup. You often receive infidelity and betrayal when you are trapped in this cushioning relationship. Then what attitude should be taken to avoid this?

Must be firm and confident

Whoever you are, if you can't be firm in a relationship and always feel inferior, you will be vulnerable to being trapped in cushioning. Because many people can take advantage of these weaknesses so that you get betrayed and cheated on.

Don't depend on anyone

Being an escape and being used only makes you aware that you are no longer dependent on anyone. You have to be independent so that people don't take advantage of your weaknesses and make them something to intimidate.

Don't easily trust the closest people even though

The next way to avoid cushioning is that you must always pay attention to the people around you. Sure, having a good attitude is highly recommended, but that doesn't mean you think that everyone you're close to is really nice. There are times when you also have to be careful not to be deceived.

Must Always Learn From Experience

Many people get stuck in cushioning and end badly because they never learn from experience. Of course, this cannot be done continuously, because you have to learn from the experience so that you can become a better person and not be hurt or used by others.

How to avoid cushioning is very easy in theory. However, for practice, it is very difficult so you have to work hard for it. The reason is that it is not easy to become a person who can believe in yourself if from childhood all we do is depend on other people.

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