Happy Romance Photo Upload 2017 Vs 2021, First Shepherd Goat Now Glowing
Instagram photo happy_asmara77

JAKARTA - The singer of Happy Asmara uploaded a collage of two photos on his Instagram account. This photo compares Happy Asmara's condition during 2017 and after he became a singer.

The photo during 2017 is called the owner of the real name Heppy Rismanda Hendranata, this is called the time when he was herding goats. While on the right side of the photo after he became a known singer.

His daily life used to be expressed by Happy Asmara. Happy Asmara without awkwardly talks about his superactive habits.

“So in 2017, I had 2 goats, so I had to go to the fields often to find grass, bathe in the river, dam, likes to follow motorbikes, practice jaranan (horse lumping), likes to brawl, sings, collects plastic cardboard used for resale, likes to watch carnivals, play volleyball, aaaah... a very fun childhood," Happy Asmara said via Instagram happy_asmara77, Sunday, October 24.

The conditions used to be very different from Happy Asmara's daily life today. This 22-year-old woman from Kediri, East Java, admitted that she is currently busy working.

"In 2021, I've been super busy with work, work, work, work, just work this is also more fun because I really can't stay still," said Happy Asmara who is also Indosiar's mentor Pantura 6 Star.

Happy Asmara is known for its Javanese pop songs and koplo songs. From various information about Happy Asmara, which has fans with the nickname "PASHATI", it is always associated with Denny Caknan.

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