Because It Has a Bad Effect on Health, Recognize 5 Signs of Excess Body Fluids
Ilustrasi tanda tubuh kelebihan cairan (Unsplash/Engin Akyurt)

JAKARTA – Fluid needs in the body can be met by drinking mineral water. But be careful not to overdo it. Because if the body is too much fluid will have a bad effect on health.

Lack of fluids is also not good for the body. Lack of fluids can be recognized by dry skin, increased thirst, infrequent urination, sunken eyes, dizziness as if going to faint, and affecting the rhythm of the heartbeat. Conversely, if there are too many body fluids or is called overhydration, the signs can also be recognized.

According to Catherine Waldrop, M.D., reported by Mind Body Green, Tuesday, October 19, when the body is in a state of overhydration, it can dilute the concentration of electrolytes in the blood. The effect is the condition of the body so it is not balanced. Electrolytes consisting of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are important for the body.

The most common cause of electrolyte imbalance is drinking too much water, also known as mild hyponatremia. For the signs, check the following below.

1. Clear urine

When there is less fluid, the color of urine is cloudy. On the other hand, if you drink mineral water, the color of your urine is clearer. According to urologist Vannita Simma-Chiang, M.D., light yellow urine is the ideal color.

“If your urine is dark yellow, you may not be drinking enough. But if your urine is clear, it's a sign you're drinking too much,” says Simma-Chiang.

He suggests delaying drinking if you experience these symptoms until you feel thirsty.

2. More frequent urination

Besides being able to be identified from the color of urine, the intensity of urination is also a marker. If you urinate more often than usual, it could be due to too much fluid in your body. According to Simma-Chiang, the average healthy person urinates every 3-4 hours. More than that, they may be overhydrated.

3. Muscle cramps

Because the electrolytes in the body are not balanced, muscle cramps, weakness, and convulsions are side effects. Body sweating is also a sign of two conditions, either dehydration or overhydration.

Waldrop recommends eating or consuming foods that contain electrolytes. These foods include bananas and low-glucose peanut butter.

4. Drinking when not thirsty

One way to be healthy is to stay hydrated, but drinking mineral water also has its measure. Waldrop's advice, to overcome overhydration or reduce the potential for dehydration recognize when you feel thirsty. This is the perfect time to drink water from a glass.

5. Nausea, vomiting, headache, and mental confusion

According to Waldrop, more severe signs of overhydration include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and mental confusion. These signs are often followed by muscle cramps and fatigue. In very severe cases, added Waldrop, someone who has too much fluid in the body can experience seizures, coma, and even death.

Everyone has different activities, this is one of the benchmarks for fluid needs in the body. In addition, gender, age, and body and environmental conditions also affect. This means that everyone has a different size regarding the need to drink mineral water. So, identify your body's fluid needs and drink enough so that you don't become overhydrated or dehydrated.

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