When Physically And Mentally Tired, Should You Keep Exercising?
Illustration (Chevnon Photography/Pexels)

JAKARTA - For those of you who are not used to exercise, thinking about exercising when physically and mentally are tired, feels like an impossible thing to do. However, if you're used to doing it, skipping exercise, even though you're feeling tired, seems very unfortunate.

If this is the case, Shauna Harrison, Ph.D. asking you to rest because your body and mind most likely need it the most. Shauna suggests doing self-care, such as a hot bath with foaming soap or massage and spa treatments at the salon. If you want a calmer mind, you can take a yoga class or yin meditation. Doing light movements using a foam roll or light stretching while watching television can also be an option.

For those of you who still persist in doing physical activity even though you are tired, Shauna recommends walking, which according to him can work wonders for your mental, emotional, and physical health. Especially if while doing it, you can while getting beautiful views and fresh air, it is not impossible that your mood and mind will be refreshed.

“[Keeping] moving is a lifesaver because it tends to reduce stress, but it can also put stress on the body. This is why it is so important to pay attention to what is best for you at any given moment or situation, especially when you are feeling physically and mentally exhausted,” says Shaun.

The key is to listen to yourself and, most importantly, take it easy on yourself. Skipping some training schedules is not a problem at all. In fact, the body and mind will thank you if you do it. When everything is back to normal, then Shaun asks you to go back to your usual exercise routine.

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