JAKARTA - Accompanying the wife's birth can be a beautiful moment because it can be moving and happy. The same thing happened to Baim Wong when he accompanied Paula Verhoeven's delivery.

Their 2nd child, Kiano Tiger Wong's younger brother, was born on Saturday, October 9th. Through Instagram, Baim Wong uploaded moments accompanying Paula giving birth.

"Bosque, Mama Pau is about to take action. Please pray, we'll accompany her," said Baim Wong.

Together with Kiano, Baim escorted Paula to start the birth operation. After that, Baim also shared when she gave birth.

"Bosque... We smile but there is tension too... Ask for prayers," wrote Baim.

The happy news of the birth of their second son was also reported by Doctor Tiwi through her Instagram account @drtiwi. She shared a short video of Baim at RSIA Bunda Jakarta holding a tiny baby to prayer.

Doctor Tiwi then completed the description in the video with words of emotion to see Baim welcoming his baby into the world. "Father's prayer to welcome his son thrills anyone who witnesses... #soulofbirth," captioned the photo written by Doctor Tiwi.

The upload has resulted in various comments from netizens. They are also happy with the birth of Baim and Paula's 2nd child. "Alhamdulillah, congratulations, Bro Baim and Sis Paula," wrote a netizen.

"Thank God Kiano has a brother," wrote another netizen.

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