JAKARTA - The film Transcendence, starring Jhonny Depp was released in 1994. In the film, Depp plays Will Caster who is a scientist who specializes in researching the nature of feelings, including artificial intelligence or AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Will and his wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) and his team work to bring computers to life and predict that computers in the future will create what they call "Trencendence".

To get a lot of support the idea of the technology was presented by Will Caster in a public presentation. However, Will's idea was opposed by the anti-technology group RIFT (Revolutionary Independence From Technology). When Will Caster presented his idea, the scientist was shot to death.

Seeing her husband near death, Evelyn ventured to upload Will Caster's consciousness on the computer system they had developed. Despite his physical death, Will Caster's consciousness managed to survive in the technology.

Will Caster, who then continued his life in the virtual world, actually developed his abilities arbitrarily. Will Caster can convey and manipulate information to a wide audience and brainwash many people with his nanotechnology.

Will Caster's actions were considered too excessive. Max Walter (Paul Bettany) who is Will Caster's co-worker also feels that Will's actions are out of bounds.

Transcendence was directed by Wally Pfister and written by Jack Paglen. From IMDb, the film Transcendence gets a rating of 6.2/10.

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