Sentenced To 5 Months, Jeff Smith Can Be Free This Month
Jeff Smith (: mr.jeffsmith)

JAKARTA - Jeff Smith's trial finally ended on Wednesday, September 8. The West Jakarta District Court judges found Jeff Smith guilty and sentenced him to 5 months in prison.

The verdict was one month lower than the demands of the Public Prosecutor demanding Jeff Smith with 6 months in prison and undergoing treatment and rehabilitation treatment for 6 months at BNN Lido.

The judge read out the verdict of defendant Jeff Smith for legally abusing class one drugs for himself. "Two have sentenced the defendant to 5 months in prison", said the presiding judge, quoted from the Cumicumi YouTube channel, Thursday, September 9.

Jeff Smith's attorney said the 5-month prison sentence was deemed appropriate by his attorney. Jeff Smith is also said to have accepted the verdict of the West Jakarta District Court. With this decision, the soap opera actor can be released in September.

"God willing, if the calendar counts on the 15th (of this month). God willing, this is September", said Jeff Smith's attorney, Aldi Surya Kusuma when met at the West Jakarta District Court, today.

Flashback Jeff Smith was arrested by the West Jakarta Metro Police unit for being found in possession of narcotics class one marijuana on April 15, 2021, in the early hours of the morning.

Upon the arrest, the police obtained evidence of 0.52 grams of marijuana in a small plastic clip. Then there is also a plastic clip containing 44 grams of tobacco in Jeff Smith's backpack, 2 cangklongs, 2 liquids, 6 packs of papyri, four reading books with the theme of cannabis plants, and one car.

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