JAKARTA - Flat shoes have become one of the footwear that must be owned by every woman. This is because apart from the appearance that can be used in all situations, flat shoes also have comfort when worn. Here are various kinds of flat shoes that you must have.
Versatile Sandals
These sandals are suitable for use when the weather is hot. This type of sandal is suitable for almost any casual wear.
Classic Ballerina
Ballerina flat shoes have the power to tie the overall appearance together. Even by wearing only a t-shirt and jeans, this type of flat shoes can make you more elegant.
Loafers or Oxfords
Wear classic flat shoes with bold cuts that look a little masculine, such as shiny loafers or oxfords with a pointed toe so you don't get bored.
Sneaker shoes can effortlessly enhance a cool look. Try wearing white leather shoes or shoes full of motives.
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