JAKARTA - After marrying Emil Dardak, married in August 2013, Arumi Bachsin's life changed drastically. As an artist, Arumi now has to deal with duties as a companion to her husband starting from college, becoming the Regent of Trenggalek, and the Deputy Governor of East Java.

This mother of two children serves as Chair of the East Java Province PKK Mobilization Team. Arumi Bachsin's life as a public figure has changed drastically since his entry into politics. Here are the differences felt by Arumi Bachsin after being the wife of the Deputy Governor of East Java since 2019.

1. All Formal

Arumi Bachsin had to get used to speaking formally and was forbidden to sit cross-legged. The choice of words when speaking is also different.

"There must have been (errors) early on. It is not allowed for the official's mother to sit cross-legged and have to meet. If you are sitting at a formal event, you cannot sit cross-legged. Also speaking in Indonesian is different, for example, 'Mas Irfan do you want this', if it's 'Mas Irfan is pleased to eat', that's it," said Arumi Bachsin, quoted from YouTube's DeHakims Story, Monday, August 23.

2. Giving Welcome

Arumi Bachsin used to often accept jobs as presenters. Now have to deliver a speech in front of many people.

"I'm the one who used to MC now, suddenly I'm not MCing anymore, but speeches, greetings. Oh God, I feel like I've played soap operas, I've met a lot of people, I'm very confident. (It feels) different, "said Arumi Bachsin.

3. Always escorted by an aide

As an official's mother, wherever Arumi goes, an aide will always follow. Even at every opportunity, Arumi had to get used to the strict escort of an aide. With the escort from this aide, Arumi was awkward and couldn't get enough of it.

"I was really surprised that suddenly there was an aide. Then I also (said) 'please ask permission from mom, ask permission from dad'. What I'm most annoyed about until now, isn't it normal, 'ready to be wrong!'. ', 'ready to be wrong mom', that's really funny," he said.

Even though he had experienced awkwardness and was not used to his aide and his life, Arumi Bachsin is now getting used to his role. "This is an amazing experience. It was never planned, I never imagined myself coming here," he said.

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