JAKARTA - Deddy Corbuzier said that he had been exposed to COVID-19 and had to take a break from his activities on social media, including his podcast, Close The Door.

He even admitted that he was critical and almost died due to exposure to the virus that led to a cytokine storm.

"Essentially, for two weeks I took a break because I had to concentrate on my health. I was sick... Critical, almost died from the Cytokine storm, the funny thing is that the situation is negative. Yes it's COVID," said Deddy as quoted from his Instagram account @mastercorbuzier on Sunday, August 22.

In his upload, Deddy said he did not experience any symptoms of COVID-19. However, he suddenly experienced a cytokine storm that even resulted in his lungs being damaged by up to 60 percent in two days.

"Yes, it's a life and death situation. Amazingly, my blood oxygen didn't drop, even at 97-99," he said.

Deddy said, this happened because of the healthy lifestyle he had lived so far. "I was able to survive even with severe lung damage," he said.

"NOW!! #CLOSETHEDOOR And FAK ppl who said endorse covid, don't go to hospital, etc... U PEOPLE LIKE THAT... KILL OTHER PEOPLE," he wrote.

For information, cytokines are high-level immune system proteins and were found by researchers in the blood of COVID-19 patients with the most severe symptoms.

This is because the immune system increases uncontrollably and instead attacks the cells and tissues of the body rather than fighting the virus in the body. Cytokine storms aren't new, either, as they also occur in autoimmune diseases such as juvenile arthritis and cancer treatment.

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