JAKARTA – Children, especially toddlers, often experience tooth decay or damage. This can be caused by leftover milk and food stuck to the teeth. When you have experienced this, parents can take care of it so it doesn't affect the growth of permanent teeth.

The main causes of teething in children are rarely cleaning their teeth, drinking milk while sleeping, and eating sweet foods. Teeth in toddlers are called milk teeth which will fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth.

When toddlers experience this, how to deal with it as follows.

1. Eliminate the infection

Tooth decay in children is characterized by a small remnant on the crown of the tooth and is black in color. The way to treat it is to get rid of the infection. This method needs to be done by a pediatric dentist. Usually, the doctor will cover with a filling that stimulates the restoration of tooth mineral.

2. Routinely brush your teeth the right way

After fillings, children need to be directed to brush their teeth regularly. The right technique is with a horizontal movement. You can make the atmosphere of brushing your teeth fun and not in a hurry so that it is optimal.

For children, choose a soft-bristled toothbrush. Because a soft-bristled toothbrush can be more effective at removing plaque that sticks to the teeth.

3. Clean the tongue

As adults do when cleaning the tongue to reduce bacteria and food debris in the mouth. In children, it can be done by using gauze soaked in boiled water. Then clean your child's tongue by rubbing gently and gently.

4. Consumption of fiber foods

Fiber foods and green vegetables can stimulate the flow of saliva. The effect forms the oral cavity environment in a stable acidity level. In addition, it is necessary to reduce eating and drinking sweet times between main meals.

The above method is also able to reduce or prevent the occurrence of cavities. Damaged baby teeth can affect the growth of permanent teeth. In the growth of permanent teeth, milk teeth as a 'guide' permanent teeth grow in position, namely in the arch of the jaw.

So it is very important to pay attention to dental care for your baby.

5. Routine dental check-ups

Regular dental check-ups as well as cleaning tartar need to be done. Because if you have permanent teeth and are not in their proper position, it will be more complicated to take care of them.

How do you direct your child to always maintain dental hygiene?

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