JAKARTA - Smart children must be the pride of parents. Did you know that 50-80% of a child's intelligence level comes from genetics or innate. Various ways are certainly willing to be done by parents so that their children grow up to be intelligent individuals. For example, fulfilling children's nutrition well, to conducting interest tests on children so that children's abilities can be directed properly.

Not only that, there are some other deep things you can do to optimize your child's brain development to become smart. Here are the tips:

Meeting the Biological Needs of Children

Support children's brain intelligence by meeting primary needs, such as healthy food and drinks and balanced nutrition. In addition, also complete with immunizations according to the stage and time of child development. Secondary needs such as clothes and a clean house must also be met.

Give Love

Enough love for the little one turns out to have an effect on increasing the intelligence of the child's brain. Research proves that the relationship between affection and brain development is related to each other.

As much as possible try to show your love for your little one. Enough to make eye contact when talking to him or praise if your little one did something proud on that day.

Give Age-appropriate Stimulation

If the child is given a stimulus continuously, most likely the child will become intelligent. For example, while in the womb, the mother can provide a stimulus in the form of stroking her stomach, asking her to talk, or listening to classical music to the child.

For toddlers, you can provide educational toys that can stimulate their brains to think. Not only toys, also teach children to read from an early age or read story books to children before they go to sleep. Your child will learn new things from what he hears.

Give an Age-appropriate Explanation

During a child's growth and development, there will be a phase known as the 'what and why'. In this phase, your little one will start exploring the surrounding environment by asking questions. When your child is in this phase, you should be patient to answer all of your child's questions, although some questions will be difficult to answer.

When giving answers to children, try to be as honest and reasonable as possible. Answers that lie and make up will only create misunderstandings in the child's ideas when he grows up. So, try to answer honestly and explain according to his age so that it is easy to understand.

Train Children To Be Independent

At the age of 2 years is an important developmental stage for your child's gross and fine motor skills. You can start teaching your child to be independent by letting him eat, drink, and tidy up his toys. This easy and simple thing is apparently effective in helping children obtain optimal brain intelligence.

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