JAKARTA – Plastic waste is a global problem, apart from the pandemic. Various measures have been taken, including a ban on the use of single-use plastic bags in Bali and Jakarta. These steps need to be followed and carried out from the smallest scope, namely the house.

It is possible to get used to minimizing the use of plastic. Even though it's utopian if you don't use it at all. That means, there are ways that need to be familiarized at home with the aim of reducing plastic waste. Have you tried the methods below?

1. Use shopping bags not single use

This first method does need to get used to it. First, you need to have your own shopping bag. Even if the manufacturer or seller of daily necessities always provides a wrapping bag, you can refuse it.

Always carry the bag every time you go shopping. To minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus, immediately unload your groceries, wash them thoroughly, as well as wash your grocery bags so they can be reused.

2. Shopping in bulk stores

Bulk stores or known as grocery stores that sell kitchen needs in retail can be an alternative place for shopping. You can bring your own packaging, in the form of glass bottles for oil, jars for pepper powder, coriander, sugar, salt, and even shampoo.

Shopping in bulk stores can be adjusted in amount. If buying 1 ounce pack of coriander is too much, then you can buy half as much as needed.

cara mengurangi sampah plastik di rumah
Illustration of bulk store (Unsplash/Sigmund)

3. Shop for whole fruits and vegetables

Alexx Stuart, author of Low Tox Life, reported by Homes To Love, Friday, August 13, suggests shopping for whole vegetables and fruit.

“Half a melon, pumpkin, cauliflower, cabbage and papaya means plastic wrap. Buy whole and get a little recipe inspiration to make sure you use them all for a week,” advises Stuart.

4. Don't throw plastic waste carelessly

Even at home, garbage can be sorted. Organic waste is combined and distinguished from plastic and paper waste. The collected plastic waste can be deposited to a platform or party that manages and helps plastic waste recycling.

5. Manage packaging usage

Do you use delivery services more often for your food needs at home during the pandemic? Each seller of course wears a different type of packaging. It is possible to avoid the use of packaging that is difficult to process, such as stereofoam.

In addition to identifying the above, you need to recognize the arrow triangle and the code in each plastic packaging. Why? Some packages such as vitamin packaging, lotion, soy sauce, packaged drinks, and other products are required to include the code at the bottom of the package.

The goal is to sort out which ones can be reused, reduced, or reprocessed.

6. Minimize beauty products with packaging

Nicci Kugler, founder of Nash+Banks, suggests opting for solid, unpackaged beauty products. For example, choosing products that are formulated for various functions, such as shampoo as well as conditioner, face wash, and bath soap.

7. Be wise in shopping for clothes

The most basic human needs include clothing, food and shelter. When food needs have begun to be accustomed to less waste, then pay attention to the clothes you wear. The wisest way to shop for clothes, choose a brand that is committed to minimizing its plastic footprint.

The first step, postpone shopping for clothes and identify your clothes in the closet. If you can still use it, why buy a new one? If you're bored, you can take creative steps to remodel or create a new model with the same outfit.

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