JAKARTA - This year, Muslims will celebrate the Islamic New Year or 1 Muharram 1443 Hijri which falls on Tuesday, August 10, 2021. The month of Muharram is one of the four months glorified by Allah, where all good deeds in this month will get a double reward.

In addition, the Islamic New Year itself is also a marker of the event of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD. The migration of the Prophet Muhammad has an important meaning for Muslims. Cited from CNN, Tuesday, August 10, here are the meanings of the Islamic New Year that you need to know.


As in general, the turn of the year, the moment of the Islamic New Year can also be used as a time for self-introspection or muhasabah. Muslims are expected to be more aware of all actions and deeds in the previous year.

Fighting spirit

Along with the migration of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Islamic New Year also means a spirit of struggle that does not know despair and is full of optimism. This moment can also be interpreted as the spirit of hijrah.

As is known, Prophet Muhammad SAW and his companions were tireless in spreading the religion of Islam, despite the various obstacles faced. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad SAW had to move to Medina leaving his homeland, relatives, and property in order to fulfill the orders and revelations given by Allah SWT.


Muharram itself means 'the forbidden' or 'the most respected'. In this month, Muslims are forbidden to fight and do injustice. The spirit of Muharram is a spirit of peace.

Earn rewards

Muharram is known as the glorified month. So glorious, this month is even called the 'month of Allah'. The month of Muharram can be used as a way to gain rewards. Every act of worship performed in the month of Muharram will be doubled. The same applies to the disobedience committed.

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