JAKARTA - Handling stubborn children sometimes makes parents emotional and confused. Children often resist, refuse requests, ignore the rules given, and are difficult to talk to. It is not easy to deal with it and many also end up accidentally getting angry, yelling, or even giving up. Actually, how do you deal with a stubborn child? You can try the following tips!

Listening to the children's wishes

Stubborn children usually have a strong opinion to refuse something their parents ask. Try to talk to your child and find out what they really want. Many children also use this stubbornness as a weapon when their desires are not fulfilled. As a parent, you should refrain from getting angry, but approach your child and listen to his opinion.

Never force a child

Without realizing it, parents often impose their will on their children. For example, children have to take a nap, have to study, have to be willing to appear in front of many people, have to take courses outside of school, and so on. First, ask yourself: do you also want to be forced to do things you don't like?


- https://voi.id/lifestyle/67838/cara-meningkatkan-imunitas-tubuh-anak-di-tengah-pandemi-covid-19

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/68046/jaga-nafsu-makan-anak-penting-di-tengah-pandem

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/55048/8-aktivitas-yang-dapat-dilakukan-anak-untuk-membantu-orang-tua-di-rumah

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/41075/anak-anak-sering-berantem-begini-5-tips-menjaga-kerukunan-hubungan-kakak-beradik

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/37980/4-perilaku-anak-yang-sering-menguras-emosi-orang-tua


Learn to understand children and empathize. It's okay to encourage children to do things that will be useful for themselves, but don't let it all be just a parent's obsession, okay?

Always provide understanding

Stubborn children will not easily obey what their parents say. Therefore, try to provide a clear and easy-to-understand understanding. Every time they ask for something, give reasons why they should do it, what are the consequences if they refuse, and what are the benefits if they obey. With a clear understanding, children will understand more and not feel like they are just being told by their parents.

Giving choice

Children usually have their own thoughts and do not like to be told by others. Indeed, dealing with stubborn children is more tricky, but with a few tricks, children can become more obedient. One way is to give children choices. For example, when you want to be included in an additional class, let the children choose what they like. When your younger child doesn't want to take a nap, try giving them the option of what story to read that day.

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