JAKARTA - Mawar Eva de Jongh was once a debt collector for her mother's catering business. Mawar then told her that her mother had opened a food catering business at the school.

"So my mother used to open a catering business at school, because in the past, it was like we had tutoring, but actually it was Budi (Budi Floris de Jongh, Mawar's brother) who was assigned," said Mawar, quoted from Armand's YouTube channel. Maulana, Monday, July 19.

The food catering owned by Mawar's mother turned out to be quite famous and had many customers. However, there are always those who are absent when they are billed for payment.

Mawar, who often met her mother's catering customer, was then asked to collect existing debts. Mawar even still remembers the moment when she was suddenly told to chase her upperclassmen to collect debts.

"Well, every time I eat in the car, seniors who haven't paid for catering always pass by, so Mom immediately says 'Mae, Mae, chase it, charge it, when are you going to pay?' So that's the story," said Mawar.

"But I was like, 'Sis, Sis, when are you getting paid? Mama asking?'," continued Mawar. Basically, Mawar's face is beautiful and calm, it turns out that she has never managed to collect debts from her seniors.

"Not really (paying debts), running away too, sorry, Sis, if you're watching," said Mawar Eva de Jongh. Obviously no one wants to pay because Mawar's face doesn't scare people at all.

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