JAKARTA – Toxic or toxic behavior can make life uneasy. In fact, not infrequently can make people around you feel annoyed or slowly move away. This harmful behavior often goes unnoticed and requires introspection.

Do you have a habit that makes life uneasy like the one below?

1. Doubt yourself

Everyone has their own capacity and comparing what has been achieved by oneself with others is not appropriate. Instead, comparing makes it more stressful and pressing.

Instead of struggling with what has been dreamed of, someone actually feels tired before trying because other people are the benchmark. So, try to measure the capacity yourself without looking for a comparison. That way the energy can be focused on realizing dreams.

2. Often feel guilty and self-critical

Why not do thing A if thing B makes you fail, that thought often comes to mind when you regret. These thoughts make yourself fall into the abyss of regret which eventually makes you feel guilty and criticize yourself.

3. Perfectionist

Perfectionist behavior is considered toxic because judging something must be perfect. If something is lacking a little, then you don't like it, get rejected, and be criticized.

It's not wrong to have perfectionist behavior, but it needs to be according to capacity and situation. If the situation does not allow, it requires flexible decision making.

4. Postponing completing tasks

On the one hand, laziness is a person's right. Sometimes lazing is not a big thing. But if you delay completing tasks related to other people or important things, this is toxic behavior. Because not only bother yourself, but also make other people bother.

5. Putting one's own priorities aside

In difficult times, personal matters and those closest to them become a priority. This means that it is important to prioritize your own interests first, then think about helping others.

In other cases, prioritizing others and subverting one's own priorities is detrimental. If you are too busy taking care of other people's business, then your own business will never be finished.

If you are still behaving toxic like the points above, in order to have a more balanced life, you need to introspect yourself. In addition to a balanced life, feelings and thoughts become calmer.

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