JAKARTA - Eid al-Adha or also known as Lebaran Hajj this year will fall on July 20, 2021. This moment is an opportunity for Muslims to 'sacrifice' either goats or cows, and then at the same time get sacrificial meat to cook and eat together. family.

If some people prefer to cook rendang or satay, the sacrificial meat can be made into other dishes, for example by making stews, brongkos, or steaks. Of the several choices of processed meat, here are five of them that you can take into consideration for cooking.


With abundant spices, curry has a savory taste and is delicious to eat at any time, including when celebrating Eid al-Adha. Leftover meat curry can be stored in the freezer so that it can be served again the next day and still tastes good.

Oxtail soup

Although it takes a long time to cook, oxtail soup remains one of the favorite dishes of Indonesians, including on Eid al-Adha. The tender meat and savory gravy are suitable to be eaten with rice.

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/56041/7-kuliner-nusantara-berbahan-dasar-rebung-atau-tunas-bambu-already-perah-icip

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- https://voi.id/lifestyle/68129/rahasia-buat-sate-kambing-empuk-dan-bau-no-prengus



For those of you who want to feel a savory taste with a touch of sweetness, then empal is processed beef that is suitable to be enjoyed. We recommend that you eat this food from West Java while it is still hot to make it taste more delicious.


Other processed meats that also taste sweet are stews. For spicy lovers, you can add this meat and potato combination dish with large red chilies to give it a spicy taste.


Satay dishes have become one of the favorite foods of Indonesians. Not only easy to make, satay is also easy to eat because you don't need a fork or spoon to eat it. In addition to goat meat, beef can also be used as satay. If you don't want to eat Indonesian-style dishes, then you can make it into satay for barbecue.

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