JAKARTA - Despite being inactive in the entertainment world for a long time, Tamara Bleszynski is still popular in cyberspace. His personal Instagram, @tamarableszynskiofficial is verified and has 2.6 million followers to date.

Apparently, the movements of the woman who opened the warteg in Bali always attracted the attention of netizens. In fact, many are curious or curious about the religion followed by actress and model Tamara Bleszynski.

Through her latest upload on Instagram, Tamara finally opened her voice regarding this matter. However, Tamara did not clearly explain what religion she adheres to.

"Many have asked... what is my belief? My answer is... Love... And when we talk about love, whatever your class... help fellow humans... His creation ~ TBlz," wrote Tamara Bleszynski, quoted Wednesday, 14 July.

Although it did not mention what religion he adhered to, the statement was uploaded by sharing an old photo of him wearing a white hijab. Tamara Bleszynski's post received a lot of responses with love emoticons.

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