JAKARTA - Even though DC and Marvel compete, it turns out that the competition has developed into real life. These new Instagram users were shocked by the comments of the Aquaman actor, Jason Momoa, in Chris Pratt's Instagram upload. No half-hearted, Momoa wrote comments that seemed joking but meaningful.
In the uploaded photo by Chris Pratt, Pratt uploaded himself in the gym holding a plastic drinking bottle. At first glance, the photo looks ordinary, but there is something that catches Momoa's attention. A plastic bottle that caught Momoa's attention made her write “Bro, I love you but fuck plastic bottles. No use of plastic. Come on "
The post was created by Pratt in an endorsement by Amazon. So maybe the photo was conceptualized by Amazon. However, it turned out that Pratt saw and replied to Momoa's comment. He replied:
“Aquaman! You are right. Shit. I always carry a refillable water bottle with me. I even brought it that day !!! If I remember someone gave the plastic bottle to me during a photo shoot because I didn't know what to do with my hands! I never know what my hand is doing! Uncomfortable. Seriously. Love you are also friends. My mistake. I don't want your Atlantis house covered in plastic. Hear that kids? Reduce. Use. Recycle it back. "
Through these comments, Pratt referred to Momoa as Aquaman who was protesting against Pratt. But outside of his role, Jason Momoa is a vocal figure on environmental issues. Momoa even had time to protest against the construction of a telescope in Hawaii. Even so, many commented that Momoa's comments in Pratt's post were considered excessive.
View this post on Instagram@prattprattpratt BRO you know my children and I are madly in love with you and I love everything you do. I'm sorry this was received so badly today I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm just very passionate about this single use plastic epidemic. the plastic water bottles have to stop i hope u make a reusable water bottle for amazon so we all can purchase. You're an inspiration to many I'm one of them. I'll send you a case of MANANALU. All my Aloha, Da Momoa's
Realizing this, Jason Momoa then uploaded his photo with Pratt and wrote a caption apologizing for the comments he had given. Momoa said he was only concerned with the issue. He didn't mean to attack negatively. He also made sure that he and Pratt were friends. So even though DC and Marvel are competing, the characters don't feel the same.
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