JAKARTA - Nia Ramadhani and Ardie Bakrie were arrested by the police for suspected drug abuse cases. The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus gave an explanation and chronology of the arrest of the husband and wife.

"It is true that an arrest took place in Pondok Pinang, Kebayoran Selatan. Three people were arrested. RA (Ramadhania Ardiansyah Bakrie) and AAB (Ardiansyah Bakrie) are husband and wife, and RA is a public figure. While ZN is a private driver who also helps at the residence them," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus at a press conference, quoted from the Paragram Official YouTube Channel, Thursday, July 8.

Yusri said that initially the police arrested Zn, who is a personal driver and assistant at Nia and Ardi Bakrie's house. From ZN, the police confiscated 0.78 grams of methamphetamine, along with a shabu suction device.

The driver then pointed out that the owner of the methamphetamine was his superior, Nia Ramadhani, who had been consuming methamphetamine. Yusri explained that the arrests were made on Wednesday, July 7, at the house of Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie in Pondok Pinang, South Jakarta.

The arrests and searches took place around 15:00. At that time the police conducted a search and found evidence of methamphetamine and a suction device. Nia Ramadhani admitted that the item belonged to her and was used with her husband. The police first arrested Nia Ramadhani and the driver at home.

According to the suspect's statement, they have been using methamphetamine for the past 4-5 months. Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie's urine test results were also found to be positive for methamphetamine. "The reason for using methamphetamine is because of the pandemic, the business is sluggish. There is also a lot of work pressure. This is a classic reason," said Yusri.

They are currently undergoing further investigations. Hair tests have been done, but the results are not out yet. The police are also investigating those who gave methamphetamine to Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie. "We will continue to work, hopefully the supplier can. Whether he is a supplier for other artists, we will continue to explore," he explained.

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