4 Beautiful Portraits Of Asha Smara Darra, Oscar Lawalata's New Identity As A Woman
Oscar Lawalata (Photo: IG @oscarlawalata)

JAKARTA - Oscar Lawalata is living his new identity as a woman with a new name, Asha Smara Darra. This name has a beautiful name.

Now Oscar Lawalata appears confident as a woman named Asha. In several uploads on his personal Instagram @oscarlawalata that have been verified, Oscar looks feminine and happy while on vacation in Sumbawa, NTB.

Here are some photos of Oscar after undergoing surgery and becoming a woman.

"My new name is Asha Smara Darra. Asha means hope, Smara means love, and Darra means a strong tree," said Oscar Lawalata through The Lawalatas YouTube channel entitled 'THE UNTOLD STORY OSCAR LAWALATA - Call Me ASHA' quoted Wednesday, June 30.

Even though he already has Asha's new name, he doesn't have a problem if someone calls him Oscar. But, if someone calls her Asha, she is very happy.

"If people call me Asha, I'm happy, but they already know me Oscar, it's okay. Because in the end, I don't change, it's just a name," said Oscar.

The 43-year-old designer's decision to become a woman made his mother, Reggy Lawalata, hurt. His mother was also hurt by what other people said about Oscar.

"If you ask me, I'm confused, how do people talk, how do people look when we go to a restaurant, it hurts," he said.

In addition, Oscar said that his struggle as a transgender person to be accepted by his family took a very long time, even years.

"I told my mom and Mario it wasn't right away oh okay, we are understand, no. They ask a lot of questions, really why? Does it have to be like this? Does it have to be like that? I see, it takes years. point that I'm a woman," said Oscar.

Oscar Lawalata asks the public to accept his identity as transgender, and this is not a taboo subject.

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