JAKARTA - Several studies have proven that keeping plants indoors is not only aesthetically pleasing but also has many positive benefits for yourself, from increasing concentration and productivity by up to 15%, reducing stress, and improving mood! What are the advantages? Check it out below!

Fight sick building syndrome

Do you often feel stressed or unwell at work? It could be that you have sick building syndrome, which is a health condition such as headaches and breathing problems that commonly attack office workers. The cause is a less conducive office environment such as poor ventilation, high levels of carbon dioxide in one room, to the effect of air conditioning (AC). The presence of plants in the office space can stabilize the heart rate, help breathing problems reduce stress and anxiety to increase productivity.

Room decoration

Just one green plant can make even the most empty room look fresh. Currently, many indoor plants are on the rise because of their beautiful and Instagrammable shapes such as Monstera, Philodendron, Lili Paris, and so on. However, you don't have to spend a lot of money, even simple indoor plants will still look attractive when placed in a unique container. Starting from vases, hanging pots, vintage furniture, to terrarium containers or kokedama, Japanese moss balls that can be hung as decorations.

Purify the air

NASA has researched that indoor plants can remove up to 87 percent of toxins in the air within 24 hours. In addition, indoor plants can also keep the air moist which protects us from respiratory problems, coughs, and sore throats. One of the popular ornamental plants is Sansevieria, which is believed to not only absorb pollutants in the air but also absorb harmful radiation from electronic items in the room.

Help sleep better

Many assume that sleeping near plants is not good for the body because it will fight for oxygen in the air. However, some plants such as orchids, aloe vera, succulents, Sansevieria tongue, and yellow palm actually convert carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen at night which makes you sleep more soundly. Some other plants such as jasmine, lavender, and gardenia can help you sleep better when placed in the bedroom because they have a calming aroma that can relax the mind.

Reduce stress and depression

There are studies that show touching plant leaves for 2 minutes can reduce stress levels. Caring for plants can also be one way to fight depression and loneliness because it will increase motivation and provide satisfaction when you see the plants you care for start to grow.

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