JAKARTA - Have you ever imagined eating weeds? Probably not! But did you know that wild plants are safe for consumption? Even the nutrients in it are high enough to meet our daily needs. Here are some wild plants that should be included in your cooking mix.

Fern Leaf

The part of the fern that is safe for consumption is the young leaves that have not fully bloomed. Fern leaves contain high vitamin C as well as flavonoid and polyphenol components that function to neutralize free radicals such as preventing premature aging and cancer.


The content of protein, carbohydrates, calcium, and iron in genjer is able to rejuvenate the body's cells and provide energy reserves in the body. The best way to enjoy it is to make it a vegetable menu.


Did you know that purslane can be used as a vegetable asa, and jam? Purslane leaves are rich in omega-3 and contain linolenic acid. These compounds can lower blood cholesterol. Boiled purslane leaves contain calcium, potassium, vitamin A, and amino acids.

gotu kola

Gotu kola has a sweet and minty nature. The leaves, which are commonly used as fresh vegetables, are efficacious in cleansing the blood, increasing bile, and improving digestive disorders. Even this leaf has been tested to increase brain intelligence.


Clover leaves contain water, protein, vitamin C, beta-carotene 2, and carotene so that it functions as a fever reducer and is able to protect the body from the development of breast cancer cells, tuberculosis, and lymph cancer.


This wild plant contains chemical compounds in the form of citron and fisalin. Ciplukan fruit also contains alkaloids, tannins, vitamin C, and sugar. Although it tastes a little bitter, this fruit can neutralize toxins in the body and activate the function of the body's glands.


In some areas, sembukan is used as a house fence. However, this plant can increase appetite, you know! The content of analgesics, antibiotics, and detoxifiers that exist can overcome nerve pain and is beneficial for babies who are malnourished.

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