JAKARTA – Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that can spread to more complex health problems. Diabetes is diagnosed into two types, namely type 1 and 2 diabetes. The big question is, can the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes turn into type 1 diabetes?

Reported by Medical News Today, Wednesday, June 23, it could be changing type 2 diabetes to type 1 due to a misdiagnosis. It could also be because the first examination diagnosed type 2 diabetes but also brought the 'talent' of type 1 diabetes caused by autoimmune.

Many people understand that type 2 diabetes can change to type 1 if you need to take insulin. But actually it is a myth. Based on expert opinion, there are two possibilities if the initial diagnosis is type 2 and then it becomes type 1.

The first possibility is a misdiagnosis because the symptoms of type 2 and type 1 diabetes are very similar. So to get a valid diagnosis a number of tests are needed in addition to the daily blood sugar test by random, non-fasting, and fasting.

Regular exercise for people with type 2 diabetes is quite helpful in treating it. But for people with type 1 diabetes need to inject insulin. In most cases, the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes or sometimes called juvenile diabetes is made in childhood or early adulthood.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder. This means that the immune system mistakenly attacks the healthy beta cells in the pancreas. These healthy beta cells are in charge of producing insulin. The insulin production process that controls blood sugar is blocked. So don't be surprised if you need additional insulin support.

Lifestyle changes to become healthier indeed reduce the potential for complications and control glucose. A person with type 1 diabetes needs insulin injections for most of their life.

While type 2 diabetes is diagnosed in adults, it is generally experienced by those aged 45 years or older. However, age is not a definite measure. People who are overweight also have the potential to develop diabetes, including childhood.

Well, type 2 diabetes interferes with the body's ability to produce and manage insulin. Unlike type 1 diabetes which is believed to be influenced by environmental and genetic factors, type 2 diabetes is largely influenced by lifestyle.

Such as a lazy body or lack of movement, obesity, and an unhealthy lifestyle in addition to taking blood sugar control drugs.

Genetic and environmental factors also play a role in building the potential for developing type 2 diabetes. However, type 2 diabetes is closely related to diet and lifestyle.

To diagnose diabetes, the doctor will perform several blood glucose tests. Among other things, blood tests to check for antibodies that attack beta cells. If antibodies are found in the pancreas, it means the person has type 1 diabetes

Based on the search, 90 percent of patients with type 1 diabetes found these antibodies. Another test that helps with diagnosis is the C-peptide test. This test measures how much insulin the pancreas produces. If the result is low, it could indicate type 1 diabetes.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the change from type 2 diabetes to type 1 diabetes is not possible unless you have the 'talent' of autoimmune disorders. So, check the diagnosis with several tests to make sure and find the right recommendations for dealing with it.

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