JAKARTA - Anji received a recommendation for rehabilitation after the DKI Jakarta Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) conducted an assessment. The owner's full name Erdian Aji Prihartanto will be taken to a rehabilitation center.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Grand Commissioner Ady Wibowo told reporters, Wednesday, June 23, emphasizing that even though Anji has received a rehabilitation permit, the criminal legal process does not automatically stop. All those who violate must undergo a legal process in accordance with the rules. "The legal process continues," he said.

As a reminder, members of the Drugs Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police arrested Anji at his home in the Cibubur area, East Jakarta on Friday, June 11. When the studio was searched, investigators found evidence in the form of marijuana tucked into the speaker and found other evidence in Bandung, West Java.

As for the evidence that was secured, namely ready-to-eat cannabis powder, cannabis seeds, and stems as well as a book entitled "Hikayat Tree Marijuana".

As a wife, Wina Natalia provides support through uploads on Instagram on June 18. She uploaded a photo hugging Anji and thanked for the support he received.

"Thank you so much for all the prayers and endless support for @duniamanji, me, and family. The extraordinary attention from all of them really strengthens our steps in facing this tough test of life," she wrote in the caption column.

"As a wife, I will continue to accompany @duniamanji in carrying out all existing processes. As a mother, I will continue to carry out activities, as usual, taking care of and raising children," she continued on Instagram @winanatalia.

As if she didn't want to be greatly affected by the case faced by Anji, Wina also uploaded a video to strengthen herself. "There’s no reason to look back when you have so much to look forward to," she wrote.

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