JAKARTA - You, as a woman, are certainly wondering and want to know what men really need from a woman? Is a man just looking for a smart woman? or are they simply looking for a physical appearance?

Turns out, that's not always what men are looking for. Cited from the Aura page, Wednesday, June 16, a relationship expert and owner of the relationship channel Sexy Confidence.com, Adam Lodolce, from the US, shared his experiences. According to Adam Lodolce, these are most of the criteria women are looking for by men.

Lovely woman

Pleasant women are the most sought after by men today. According to the men, a woman who is fun is very important. Because that's what becomes an interesting thing. Fun in the sense, easy-going, cheerful, happy to joke, smart, entertaining, easy to talk to.

A woman who is positive and knows how to carry herself

According to Adam Lodolce, beauty is not the most important thing men are looking for. Apparently, men are attracted to women who are healthy, mentally and physically. Those who are positive in mind, have a good work ethic, can take care of themselves, and know how to carry themselves properly, on various occasions.

Attractive and not too flashy woman

From a study he did, Adam Lodolce found that more than 60 percent of men and women are attracted to each other because they have the same background, the same mindset, more or less the same lifestyle, or the same taste in something. Not only seen from physical appearance. However, at least they are equally attractive, it can be in terms of appearance, it can be from the way he or she carries yourself, it can be from the way you communicate.

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