JAKARTA – The heart is an important organ that supports the body to stay alive according to natural mechanisms. If the rhythm is irregular or known as arrhythmia, it is a condition that requires extra attention.

The normal rhythm of the heart rate is between 60-100 times every minute. If the pulse is less than or more than even an irregular pulse, it means that there is a problem with the body's electricity that triggers the pulse.

As reported by Medical News Today, Friday, June 11, there are four types of arrhythmias. Although in some cases heart rhythm disturbances do not cause significant problems, in certain conditions can be dangerous. Types of arrhythmias include the following:

  • A heart rate that is too slow or bradycardia
  • A heart rate that is too fast or tachycardia
  • Irregular heartbeat or fibrillation
  • A premature contraction of the heart that usually beats faster.

The normal size of the heart rate is different from the size during sleep. During sleep or in a relaxed state, the heart moves more slowly and maybe less than 60 beats per minute. Meanwhile, when exercising and under stress, the rhythm of the heart rate can be more than 100 times per minute.

To ensure a normal heartbeat rhythm, it is recommended to check with a specialist. Doctors will usually perform a number of tests, including blood tests, urine tests, electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram (ECG), X-rays, to cardiac catheterization.

If felt without a tool, a number of patients do not feel the symptoms immediately. But the most common ones that can be used as a reference for early symptoms are experiencing pain in the chest, shortness of breath, frequent fatigue, fast, slow or irregular heartbeats, dizziness, sweating, and fainting.

The causes of heart rhythm disorders vary widely, ranging from internal conditions such as genetics or due to age. Major arrhythmias are affected by signal interruptions in the heart's electrical system.

Other external causes include diabetes, too much coffee consumption, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, congestive heart failure, changes in heart structure, mental stress, heart attacks, and bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

If you experience early symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. Because if not treated immediately can increase the risk of stroke and heart failure.

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