You Need To Know How To Overcome Papilloma, Which Is Caused By HPV Infection
Illustration of a skin papilloma on the neck (Unsplash/Ava Sol)

JAKARTA – Papillomas are lumps that grow in several parts of the body. The lump is formed from epithelial tissue caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) virus. Is this lump dangerous?

As reported by Medical News Today, Friday, June 11, papillomas are tumors but they do not grow aggressively and do not spread throughout the body. Papillomas are often called warts, the lumps protrude with a small size.

Papillomas often grow in certain parts of the body, such as on the surface of the skin, cervix, breast ducts, and mucous membranes in the eyelids.

Because there are two kinds of papillomas, which are benign and malignant, it is advisable to check with a dermatologist to confirm their nature.

If they are benign, papillomas are nothing to worry about. But if you feel pain and irritation, it is necessary to have it checked by an expert. Papillomas as tumors also in some cases grow on the surface of moist tissue that lines parts of the body, such as the intestines and respiratory tract.

According to experts, papillomas caused by HPV infection will only develop into cancer within 10-30 years. What needs to be considered, in order not to become a malignant tumor, it is necessary to undergo treatment under medical supervision.

Although it is not painful, or in the category of benign, papilloma at certain locations can interfere with organ function, disorders of the respiratory tract, urinary tract, cervix, and other places where papillomas grow.

To treat papillomas, there are 5 kinds of ways but in treatment and prescription from a doctor. First, there is an ointment that is applied to the papilloma tissue that grows on the surface of the skin.

gambar papiloma
Papilloma illustration (Unsplash/Angelica Echeverry)

Second, papilloma freezing therapy or cryodestruction is frozen and then destroyed so that the tissue does not grow again. Third, papilloma electrocoagulation, which is cauterization using an electric current and then gently scraping it off using a curette.

Fourth, laser therapy with a certain dangerous wave of papilloma tissue will be destroyed. Fifth, papilloma surgery performed with local surgery.

The recommendation is to consult a doctor to remove the papilloma and avoid pulling or touching the papilloma because it can cause infection.

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