Citra Kirana Successfully Lost 22 Kg Of Weight With Real Food Diet, Here's How Ini
Citra Kirana (Photo: IG @citraciki)

JAKARTA - Citra Kirana's appearance received many positive responses from netizens. Many praised her more beautiful after her weight dropped 22 kg. Warganet also encouraged him to lose another 9 kg according to the target.

"I've lost 22kg. I'm really happy that I'm a bit thin now. I only have 9kg left to go back to my normal bb... yep, I have to be excited," wrote Citra Kirana on the @citraciki account quoted on Wednesday, June 2nd.

Her thin appearance after giving birth became an inspiration for netizens. They questioned what diet Citra Kirana did. In an upload on the YouTube channel, Citra revealed that she was on a real food diet.

"What is clear is that I eat real food. It means whole, unprocessed food," he said on Ciky Citra Rezky's YouTube channel, quoted on Thursday,

Real food is consuming and processing food in its whole form. This means avoiding factory processed foods such as sausages, ham, nuggets, wheat flour, noodles, and so on.

Citra Kirana also reduces the consumption of snacks such as cakes, the main ingredients of which are flour and sugar. If you want to eat meat, Rezky Aditya's wife prefers steak or dishes made from fresh meat, not factory-made.

"If you want whole meat, go for steak, you just eat that and don't snack," said Citra Kirana.

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