JAKARTA - A video clip of Ayu Ting Ting being stroked on the shoulder by Andre Taulany is circulating on TikTok. In the video, Ayu Ting Ting sits side by side with Andre Taulany. The 28-year-old dangdut singer wore a brown shirt and a white mask. She seemed to be focused on her cellphone. Meanwhile, Andre wore a black shirt and black mask.

The most highlighted thing was Andre Taulany, who was sitting next to her, stroking Ayu Ting Ting's shoulder. Adit Jayusman's ex-lover didn't care about what Sule's best friend was doing.

The moment became a netizen conversation until finally, Iis Dahlia asked Ayu Ting Ting about the gossip. The Sambalado singer immediately gave clarification. The dancer from Depok confirmed that she was not in love with Andre Taulany.

"I'm still cranky, because I'm being mocked. Then I get angry while viewing my cellphone. Suddenly Mr. Haji (Andre Taulany) is like 'be patient' (stroking the back)," explained Ayu Ting Ting, as quoted from the gossip account Instagram @tante_rempong_officiall on Monday, 31 May.

Ayu Ting Ting only gets the advice from an older person, not because of an illicit relationship with Andre Taulany.

"He is the elder one, so he takes care of me," said Ayu Ting Ting, as written by Era.id.

According to her, whatever she does is always wrong in the eyes of netizens. Ayu Ting Ting is also not surprised because she often gets blasphemy from netizens.

"Ma'am, it's all the same for me. Everything I do, let alone doing a thing, with me just wearing flip-flops, I think people can talk about it," said Ayu Ting Ting.

"What I do will be wrong in the eyes of people who see me always wrong," she continued.

Uploads from the gossip account @tante_rempong_officiall were flooded with responses from netizens. They were surprised because Ayu Ting Ting did not provide clarification regarding the issue of her affair with Raffi Ahmad.

"With Raffi didn't clarify, I guess," wrote the account @aidda_f****.

"No clarification, Mrs.? Does it mean that you really straddle other men? If it's not true, you won't stick on the wall when you meet Mrs. Andara," wrote the account @svo****21.

"For 4 years old with Sultan of Andara, how come you don't clarify??? at least show your Amsterdam passport," replied the account @camz****23.

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