5 Tips To Get Rid Of Children Often Have Trouble Sleeping At Night
Illustration (Tara Raye/Unsplash)

JAKARTA - There are times when children have trouble sleeping even though it is midnight. In addition to the parents are tired but have to accompany the child to play, often lack of sleep is not good for the health of the child. Moreover, children's sleep hours are longer than adults, which is 11-13 hours for children aged 2-6 years, and 10-11 hours for children aged 6-10 years.

When this situation often occurs, there are several tricks that can be done to make the child easier to sleep at night.

Limit child's nap

Children are advised to sleep every time. However, limit the nap hours to no more than two hours, so as not to be too late so as not to be close to the night break time.  Parents can also arrange their nap time, for example every 12 pm every day.

Same hours of sleep every day

In addition to taking a nap, children also need the same night's sleep every day. The time can be adjusted to the custom, for example starting at 7, 8, or 9 pm. As in adults, a regular pattern will make him accustomed to sleeping at the usual time of daily running.

So, even though there are other activities, such as playing, watching movies, or having relatives stay at home, when it's time to sleep, don't let the kids stay up late!

Prepare a quiet bedroom

It is best to avoid giving the television in the children's room so that when he is in the room, it is time to sleep. Watching movies in the room can make the child awake and difficult to close their eyes. The children's room should be prepared indeed for sleeping, such as dim lights, neat and clean beds, comfortable temperature, and certainly quiet.

Prepare to go to bed prematurely

Starting from 30 minutes before going to bed, start preparing the child to rest. Immediately stop eating, drinking, learning, playing, and watching. Take the child to the room and go straight to sleep. If the child is used to sleeping alone, parents can immediately leave him alone. It can also bring the child to bed if he starts to look sleepy.

Accompanying the child

The kid hasn't dared to sleep alone? Parents can accompany him until he completely sleeps before leaving him to sleep alone. While accompanying, can sing children's songs or read fairy tales while patting his head until he is sleepy and then close his eyes.

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