JAKARTA - Oki Setiana Dewi's name was dragged into the news of ustaz Jefri Al Buchori polygamy. Umi Pipik's confession makes the netizens think Oki is Uje's third wife. Tuesday, May 18, Oki admitted to being shocked and did not believe the rumors of her being one of Uje's wives.

He denied the news. "Astagfirrullah, no," Oki was quoted as saying from the Paragram Official YouTube Channel.

After denying, he reveals that he is good friends including with the ustaz and Umi Pipik. "Everything is good with me and my friends everything. They are teachers for me," said Oki Setiana Dewi.

Not wanting Oki to get dragged, Umi Pipik opens her voice. He justifies Oki's assertion that the spoils are close friends.

"MasyaAllah not that is not true. Not Oki's ustazah. I'm good friends with him, friendly, so it's not him. The point is," said Umi Pipik, reported from Esge Entertainment's YouTube channel, Monday, May 24.

When asked further who exactly the honey figure, the woman named Pipik Dian Irawati chose silence and considered it uneerable to spread it.

"It's unethical I call even public figures. Yes, do not exaggerate with the third," said Umi Pipik.

Umi Pipik asserts that the reason for opening up about polygamy was done by Uje because he only wanted to meet his stepdaughter from Uje's second wife.

"Because I'm focused on the second (wife). Because there are children and what I wanted in yesterday's show there is something about oki. MasyaAllah that," continued Umi Pipik.

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