Powerful Steps To Overcome Laryngitis
Ilustrasi (Karolina Grabowska/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Most people must have experienced strep throat. It feels very uncomfortable because it makes it difficult to swallow and usually becomes a sign before a cold or flu. Inflammation of the throat itself usually occurs due to infection but can improve by about a week.

If you have strep throat, try the following natural remedies to quickly relieve.

Gargle saltwater

First of all, You can gargle with salt water when your throat starts to feel sore. Simply mix half a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water, then gargle for a few minutes. This mixture of water and salt is potent to calm inflammatory conditions, eliminate bacteria, and can overcome irritation. This method can be done several times a day yes!

Drink a squeeze of lemon and honey

Next, you can make a warm drink from the squeeze of one lemon, plus warm water and honey. This simple herb can also relieve infections of the mouth and throat, relieve swelling in throat tissue, and kill bacteria. You can drink this herb two to three times a day.

Drink apple vinegar

If your sore throat is so painful that you cringe every time you swallow, you can try drinking apple cider vinegar. You can pour one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of warm water, then drink it twice a day until the pain subsides.

Drink more water

Don't forget to drink more water. Because actually water is the simplest but effective remedy to overcome laryngitis. Just don't drink less! When you drink enough, the body becomes more fluid so that the nutrients contained in the water can help the body remove bacteria through sweat or urine.

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