Erick Thohir: The Spirit Of Nationality In Film Tjoet Nja’ Dhien Is Important To Fight COVID-19
Film Tjoet Nya' Dhien (Photo: Special)

JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir watched Tjoet Nyak' Dhien on the first day of its screening in theaters, Thursday, May 20. Coinciding with the National Awakening Day, the 1988 film was re-screened in digital form after being restored in the Netherlands.

After watching Plaza Senayan, South Jakarta, Erick rated the content of Tjut Nyak' Dhien's film as amazing. He noted two key points from the story of the struggling film.

"The content of the film is amazing where if I note there are two. Namely first, the destruction of a nation or struggle due to ourselves", said Erick Thohir.

The second, continued Erick, if the Indonesian nation is not disciplined and not compact then it will not succeed in achieving its goals. "In this film, Tjoet Nyak' Dien is always because someone betrayed him. Because it's not compact. It's learning. We can also control COVID-19 if we commit together", he said.

SOE Minister Erick Thohir was present along with film players Christine Hakim and Slamet Rahardjo. In addition, director Eros Jarot also accompanied the Minister of SOEs together with Deputy Minister I of SOE Pahala Mansury, Deputy Minister II of SOE Kartika Wirjoatmodjo.

Knowing that the restoration of the film was done by a foundation in the Netherlands voluntarily, Erick Thohir as the son of the nation was very knocked. He was willing to attend the re-screening of the struggling film of the heroine from Aceh.

"So I certainly here have no intention of anything, I along with the SOE foundation, we want to help alone. I think we have also worked with many national films both personally and certainly in government", said Erick Thohir.

To support national cinema, Erick Thohir will ask PT Produksi Film Negara to be a source of funding for filmmaking. "So don't make a movie. The formula is being created. It's been seven months", he said.

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