Father Of Rizki Ridho DA Dies, Washes His Feet During Eid So Last Memories
Rizki and Ridho DA's father (Photo: IG @da2_rizki123)

JAKARTA - Rizki and Ridho DA's father returned home today, Friday, May 21. Their father, Abdul Muthalib Pily, was reported by Rizki via social media.

Rizki uploaded a video call showing the condition in the funeral home. It appears that the father's body had been lying surrounded by people nearby.

"O God, O Robb. Iki dear papa but God loves papa more," said Rizki in the caption. "So quickly it felt like this time had passed, O God, just felt the family togetherness," he continued.

When he got the news of this grief, it was likely that Rizki was in Jakarta. Meanwhile, his father is known to live in Medan. In the upload, Rizki is also seen praying for his father's charity to be accepted at His side.

"O Allah accept the acts of worship papa O Allah, place him by your best, O Allah. Friends all ask for prayers yes, Al-Fatihah," continued Rizki.

During Eid holidays, Rizki and Ridho took the time to return to Medan to gather with family. At that time they both washed their parents' feet as a symbol of devotion.

"God willing, by Allah's permission, try to glorify mamak papa. Who still exist yuk manteman we glorify our parents, who are gone let's go to high school" we do'a kan in each of our prostrations," wrote Rizki DA in a May 18 upload.

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