JAKARTA – Work from home (WFH) has been common since the COVID-19 pandemic. Before the global pandemic, a number of professions had remote work models from home or more casual places.

Clothes and habits are also different if work is done outside the office. A free worker works while sitting back and lying down. You can also wear clothes 'as you like' like a pajama.

Pajamas themselves usually consist of two pieces of clothing, tops, and subordinates, the size is loose so it is comfortable to 'uniform' home and sleep.

A study conducted by the Medical Journal of Australia found that wearing pajamas while working from home can be disruptive to mental health. The study was conducted on staff, both scientists and non-scientists, and students of medical research institutes in Sydney.

The experiment was conducted to assess the effect of wearing pajamas on the productivity and mental health of staff at medical institutions working from home.

The results of the trial reported that their mental health decreased during the day at least in one day to a week wearing pajamas while working from home.

But it does not make productivity decrease unless there are different habits, for example working at home with young children.

So why can it potentially decrease mental health? Because, if it becomes a habit, wearing pajamas during WFH can make you feel tired when it comes to preparing clothes and full dress up when working on work clothes.

According to research published at the University of Sydney's Woolcock Institute of Technology and the University of Sydney, more than a third of respondents experienced a decline in mental health. But productivity does not decrease when wearing pajamas during WFH.

Researchers attribute this to declining cognitive health. This study is not the only one that explores the link between WFH and mental health. There have been reports of previous studies that working from home can trigger stress to cause depression.

How to minimize the risk? As reported by The Health Site, Thursday, May 20, it is recommended to keep the body hydrated enough, talk to someone, be disciplined on schedule, have a routine, meditation routine, and take occasional walks.

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