JAKARTA - Director Zack Snyder presents a new film entitled Army of The Dead. This film is a concept that has been thought about for a long time with various preparations.
Army of The Dead tells the story of a zombie plague that spreads in Las Vegas. In the midst of this situation, Scott Ward (Dave Bautista) is approached by a casino owner, Bly Tanaka (Hiroyuki Sanada) to carry out a mission.
No kidding, Ward was asked to take USD 200 million in a safe under The Strip. Ward invited several people to form a team to carry out this mission.
At a press conference with Zack Snyder, he admitted that the idea of making Army of The Dead started after completing Dawn of The Dead in 2004. He thought of a controlled zombie outbreak.
"The goal is to explore all of those recurring themes and really enjoy them while working on them", he said.
The script, which was written 10 years ago, is inspired by various things, from the films Escape from New York, Aliens, The Thing, and Planet of the Apes. With Army of The Dead, Snyder tries to have some fun with this zombie concept.
“From the start, I had the idea that these zombies would make an evolution, that they were in the process of becoming something else, not as stagnant as the zombies we have known".
He explained that film was his medium for social commentary. With this film, Snyder wants to show what if the zombie outbreak affects those who are deprived of their rights.
"The interpretation is very different now than when we first started the project. However, the main idea of the zombie movies remains the same: in the end, humans are worse than zombies".
Zack Snyder
Interestingly, there are various zombie characters that the audience can find in this film. Snyder and Shay Hatten as writers will develop the portion into an animated series.
The story of a robbery in the middle of a zombie outbreak can be watched through the film Army of The Dead which will be released exclusively on May 21 on Netflix.
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