The Risks Of Eating While You Sleep That You Need To Know
Photo by Tim Samuel from Pexels

JAKARTA - Eating while sleeping is considered comfortable for some people. This habit is done while watching or reading a book. Apparently, the position of eating while sleeping can affect the digestion of the body. If you are a person who likes to eat while sleeping, you should reduce or avoid this habit, yes. Because, these are some of the risks that occur if you often eat while sleeping.

Slows digestion

One of the risks of eating while sleeping is slowed movement and digestive processes. The sleeping position allows the rise of stomach acid and causes various digestive disorders such as bloating, nausea, boasting, and abdominal pain.

Increases the risk of GERD

GERD is a condition in which the lower oesophagus does not close properly after ingesting food, allowing stomach acid and food to rise again. It turns out that eating while sleeping can trigger GERD.

It is recommended that you do not eat while you sleep to prevent GERD. If you are suffering from GERD, it is advisable not to lie down 3-4 hours after meals to prevent stomach acid and food from rising again.

Increases the risk of choking

Choking is one of the emergencies that occur because of eating while sleeping. Food that enters and clogs the respiratory tract if left unchecked can lead to death.

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